5 & 6th of February – Train the trainer – Hollywood Dreams (SIAM)

The next 2 days Train the Trainer for Hollywood Dreams at our office in Amsterdam is scheduled on 5th and 6th of February.

The schedule for the training event is as follows:

Location             : GamingWorks training room in Amsterdam

Day 1                   : 09.00 AM – 05.00 PM

Day 2                   : 09.00 AM – approx. 04.00 PM

After this TtT you will have a clear picture of the full simulation, how to handle the materials and how to facilitate the day. You still need to practice one full simulation to become a Certified Trainer (and your company a Certified Delivery Partner). This can be done with your own team of colleagues or a first customer.

Why use Hollywood Dreams?

In this simulation, you will experience what it means to run IT services with the support of multiple suppliers. You will experience how to integrate, orchestrate and contract outsourced IT services with multiple suppliers. How to build the bridge between the business (demand) and underlying service providers (supply) in order to deliver the value that the business needs.

more information about the business simulation: Hollywood Dreams – SIAM – GamingWorks

If you want to participate, please contact Claudine Koers at office@gamingworks.nl