
Dubininskaya Street 57, bld 2, office 2305, 115054 Moscow in Russian Federation Regular

Cleverics is a company which helps to implement and use Information technology with a high effect and proper risk control. And with pleasure.

Our specialty is IT Management education and consulting.

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Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Trainers
Apollo 13 - IT Service Management
Dmitry Isaychenko
Oleg Skrynnik
Evgeniy Shilov
Konstantin Naryzhny
Larisa Budkova
Roman Jouravlev
Elena Kolbey
Igor Gutnik
The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management
Oleg Skrynnik
Roman Jouravlev
Konstantin Naryzhny
Larisa Budkova

Igor Gutnik
Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action
Oleg Skrynnik
Roman Jouravlev
Konstantin Naryzhny
Larisa Budkova
Artem Mukoseev
Igor Gutnik
2020™ - achieving sustainable change
Roman Jouravlev
Oleg Skrynnik
The Phoenix Project - DevOps
Oleg Skrynnik
Igor Gutnik
Svetlana Sapegina
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations
MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management