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- = Platinum partner
- = Regular partner
GamingWorks partners are classified in two types based on the amount of sessions per year. Our platinum partners deliver more business simulations than average.
Our CDP partners
Platinum BDO Academy More information
BDO Strategy & Transformation aims to help you work more (cost) efficiently, customer-focused, people-driven and result-oriented, regardless of the size of your company or the sector you’re active in. We guide and support you to succeed in your journey from the strategy definition to its implementation and to seek for continuous improvement via multidisciplinary skills, adapted approaches and professional tools.
We will help you do the right things with the right people in the right way. We provide tailored consulting and training services in 4 domains:
- Strategy Services
- Customer Excellence
- Organisation & People Transformation
- Operational Excellence
Our training services cover all of these expertise domains and will help you get the right skills on board to make the change sustainable. Discover BDO Academy and its offering here.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Greatest Move™ Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Platinum Capgemini Norway More information
Capgemini helps you improve your company’s performance. We deliver real business results through a people-centered approach to technology and providing the right expertise according to your needs.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Platinum Capgemini Sweden More information
Capgemini helps you improve your company’s performance. We deliver real business results through a people-centered approach to technology and providing the right expertise according to your needs.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) -
Platinum Conlea Sp. z o.o. More information
Conlea to polska firma świadcząca usługi szkoleniowe, doradcze oraz projektowe w obszarze usług IT. Od 2007 roku z powodzeniem wykorzystujemy nasze doświadczenie i wiedzę dostarczając usługi klientom w Polsce oraz Europie (m. in. Danii, Niemczech i Belgii). Bazując na sprawdzonych standardach oraz najlepszych praktykach oferujemy wiedzę i bogate doświadczenie naszych konsultantów. Pomagamy dostosowywać usługi IT do nieustannie zmieniających się wymagań biznesu.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Greatest Move™ Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Phoenix Project - DevOps Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Platinum Eraneos Netherlands More information
Eraneos combines industry expertise with an in-depth knowledge of technology. We understand the challenges you face and ensure you make the most out of opportunities of digitization to achieve your organization’s goals.
Our Services
Eraneos helps customers create long-term value for all stakeholders. Enabled by data and technology, our services and solutions provide trust through assurance and help customers transform, grow and operate.
Our Impact
Businesses across all industries are looking to have genuine impact – sustainable impact to meet long-term ambitions. Read our customer stories and case studies to discover examples of this impact and how our support has made it happen.
Eraneos – Powered by Quint
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Hollywood Dreams - SIAM MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management UBanQ - IT4IT™ The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management Fly4You - SAFe® CarGO - IT Service Management essentials The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps -
Platinum Glenfis AG More information
Als unabhängiger Berater und akkreditiertes Schulungsunternehmen sind wir auf Aufbau und Umsetzung einer durchgängigen und ganzheitlichen IT Governance spezialisiert; stets in Anbetracht des Spannungsfeldes von gefordertem Business Value und notwendiger IT Compliance. Glenfis entwickelt IT Service & Lifecycle Konzepte, die sowohl auf die strategischen Geschäftsziele der Kunden ausgerichtet sind als auch das Einhalten sämtlicher regulatorischer Vorschriften sicherstellen. Dabei setzt Glenfis auf den Lösungsansatz des IT Service Management (ITSM) sowie auf internationale Standards und Frameworks wie CobiT, ITIL, ISO20000 oder ISO 27000.
Vom Kennen. Zum Können. Zum Tun.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Platinum ITSM-Consulting GmbH More information
Bei uns steht der Mensch im Mittelpunkt des Handelns. Er ist das größte Kapital jedes Unternehmens. Um die Stärken eines jeden Einzelnen im Sinne der Wertschöpfung zu fördern und diese Potenziale für unsere Kunden zu erschließen, bedarf es geeigneter Prozesse und Technologien.
Im IT Service Management sind wir Spezialist. Wir beraten und begleiten unsere Kunden als strategischer Partner bei der ganzheitlichen Lösung unternehmerischer Aufgabenstellungen – von der Projektierung bis hin zur Implementierung der Prozesse.
Die Qualität unserer Leistung wird durch drei Faktoren bestimmt. Die ITSM-Mitarbeiter verfügen über ein hervorragendes Know-how. Bedarfsgerecht an den Aufgabenstellungen ausgerichtete Teamstrukturen sorgen in jeder Projektphase für maximale Kompetenz und Effizienz. Prozessqualität ist natürlich auch für uns erfolgsentscheidend. Selbstredend, dass wir darauf größten Wert legen.
Unsere Kunden sind hochzufrieden. Schließlich sind wir in den Disziplinen Kompetenz, Engagement sowie Zielerreichungs- und Innovationsgrad führend in unserem Segment. Und trotzdem hören wir nicht auf, für unsere Kunden immer noch etwas besser zu werden. Es ist die Begeisterung für unsere Arbeit und unsere Kunden, die uns motiviert – jeden Tag aufs Neue.Unser Leistungsportfolio deckt den Bedarf im
IT Service Management-Bereich vollständig ab:Consulting & Coaching
Enterprise Architecture
InterimsmanagementCertified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Platinum Maxpert GmbH More information
Companies want to grow and increase productivity. We can help them to succeed. By providing an IT that is supporting the company in an optimal way and opens up entirely new and innovative business areas. In such an IT, employees, processes and technologies are synchronised perfectly.
We know how to build such an IT. We benefit from advising companies for many years, implementing our concepts and suggestions as well as run the new systems if requested. And last but not least – we provide adequate training for the employees.
Therefore, one has to put himself in the customers position and consider everything – the business environment, the value of IT and the effects of all changes. We think in 360°.
In four fields of expertise we offer our customers solutions tailored to their demands:
CONSULTING Nowadays IT organisations need comprehensive strategic competencies. Thereby IT is able to proof not being a cost factor, but a valuable resource instead. This can contribute a substantial amount to the overall economic success of the company. IT should also develop the ability to act as a consultant for the different business units. But how can IT build up these competencies? How can there even be free resources to invest in innovation, when at the same time the pressure to reduce costs increases, customer expectations are growing and IT itself is changing fast? How can IT organisations acquire business competencies? Which issues should be pursued and which not? Maxpert accompanies your search for solutions. Just as your individual problems demand.
EDUCATION More knowledge is better: The success of IT projects depends heavily on how good your employees can convert processes into practice and work according to them. As an accredited training provider for IT Service Management, Maxpert can offer you many years of experience in successful education of people. We train them to be not just good but knowledgeable staff. You can choose between public and in-house trainings, as well as classroom trainings and – especially efficient – e-learning. Our consultants assist you in finding the educational program that suits your needs the best. They will take your current projects as well as your daily business into account. These programs could include methodical trainings like SAFe®, ITIL®, DevOps, PRINCE2®, SCRUM, P3O®, MSP®, MoP®, M_o_R®, CobiT® and ISO/IEC 27001 as well as practice oriented trainings for process owners and ITIL service managers.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Fly4You - SAFe® -
Platinum MetierWestergaard A/S More information
MetierWestergaard is a partner in the Scandinavian market, including Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
MetierWestergaard is a leading training and consulting company specialists within project- and portfolio management, agile methods and it service management.
We deliver results by improving processes, structures and governance based on best practice but adjusted to the current case.
We build grounds for continuous improvements by training the organization and building the necessary competencies based on best practices like ITIL®, PRINCE2®, SAFe®.
We help organizations automate processes by applying tools where applicable.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps Fly4You - SAFe® -
Platinum Pink Elephant ASIA More information
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Platinum Pink Elephant Canada More information
Pink Elephant is proud to be celebrating 20 years of ITIL® experience. Operating through many offices across the globe, the company is the world’s no. 1 supplier of ITIL and ITSM conferences, education and consulting services. To date, close to 200,000 IT professionals have benefited from Pink Elephant’s expertise. Pink Elephant has been championing the growth of ITIL worldwide since its inception in 1989, longer than any other supplier, and was selected as an international expert to contribute to the ITIL V3 project, as authors of V3’s Continual Service Improvement book and through representation on the International Exam Panel.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Platinum Pink Elephant EMEA Ltd More information
Pink Elephant are an independent continual service improvement and business transformation partner that delivers professional solutions that enable organisations to:
- better align their services to the business
- improve the effectiveness of their services
- reduce the total costs of ownership of their services
- reduce inherent risk of downtime
- increase the positive perception of IT by your customers
In short, “We want to work with you to make your organisation a better place.”
We have come a long way in 30 years. Now the scope of our solutions cover the whole Service Lifecycle, from developing strategy and new organisation structures, Service Design, Service Transition and Service Operation through to Continual Service Improvement. And as well as ITIL we utilise, where appropriate, a number of frameworks and governance models: ITSM Business Simulations, CobIT, Obashi, Lean IT, SFIA, Green IT, 6 Sigma and ISO standards.
Our Services include:
Managed Services – Service Desk and IT Support Services – the window through which your customers build their perception of IT Services
Consulting Services – to help you transform your IT Services
Education Services – to help you build internal capability
Resource as a Service – providing the people you require to deliver and support your IT Services
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Hollywood Dreams - SIAM The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps -
Platinum Pink Elephant Inc. USA More information
Pink Elephant is proud to be celebrating 20 years of ITIL® experience. Operating through many offices across the globe, the company is the world’s no. 1 supplier of ITIL and ITSM conferences, education and consulting services. To date, close to 200,000 IT professionals have benefited from Pink Elephant’s expertise. Pink Elephant has been championing the growth of ITIL worldwide since its inception in 1989, longer than any other supplier, and was selected as an international expert to contribute to the ITIL V3 project, as authors of V3’s Continual Service Improvement book and through representation on the International Exam Panel.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) The Phoenix Project - DevOps Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Platinum Pink Elephant Netherlands More information
Pink Elephant is een Nederlandse IT onderneming die rond 1980 is ontstaan als bijverdienste van een drietal studenten aan de Technische Universiteit Delft. In de avonden en weekenden beheerden zij de grote mainframe computers van onder andere IBM, DOW Chemical en diverse Ministeries. Pink Elephant, door zowel werknemers als opdrachtgevers dikwijls afgekort tot ‘Pink,’ groeide in de loop van de jaren tachtig uit tot een begrip in de markt. De medewerkers heetten in het IT-wereldje al gauw ‘Pinkers’, een geuzennaam die in het algemeen synoniem staat voor jongens en meisjes die je om een boodschap kan sturen: enthousiaste en gedreven jonge academici en hbo’ers die duidelijk afwijken van het doorsnee technocraten profiel. Wij ondersteunen onze klanten met technologie en kennis. Dit doen we via IT-opleidingen, IT- oplossingen en bedrijfsoplossingen van hoge kwaliteit. Het mogelijk maken van innovatie voor mens, business en technologie staat bij Pink Elephant centraal, evenals het realiseren van resultaatverbetering voor onze opdrachtgevers. Wij zijn pas tevreden als de klant dat ook is. Onze oplossingen, ons advies én onze communicatie moet te allen tijde helder zijn. Pink Elephant is actief in meer dan twintig landen. Meer informatie:
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps Hollywood Dreams - SIAM -
Platinum Quanta Training Ltd. More information
Quanta is committed to improving the performance and effectiveness of our clients, increasing both the technical competence and personal effectiveness of individuals and enabling the success of projects, departments and organisations through education, training and consultancy. Quanta focuses on Project management, Technical training, ITIL and personal development.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Platinum SERVIEW GmbH More information
SERVIEW ist die unabhängige Managementberatung die außergewöhnliche Persönlichkeiten anzieht, begeistert und weiterentwickelt.
Für diese Menschen und Organisationen erbringen wir Consulting- und Trainingsdienstleistungen zum Aufbau passgenauer Kompetenzen. Unsere nationalen und internationalen Klienten schätzen gleichermaßen unsere Marktführerschaft und Expertise, sowie unser Streben nach echten Partnerschaften. Professionalität, Integrität, Menschlichkeit und Leidenschaft sind die Basis unseres täglichen Handels. Diese Werte ermöglichen es, unsere Klienten bei der Bewältigung ihrer Herausforderungen zu unterstützen und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu stärken.Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Platinum Üzleti Szimulációk More information
Üzleti Szimulációk (formerly: ProxyComp Hungary Ltd.) started partnership in 2013 with GamingWorks. Started with Apollo13 ITSM trainings and now providing various simulations such as The Phoenix Project or The Challenge of Egypt. My aim is to open minds and see organizations who walking on the smart and agile way of the business life working with happy & curious people all together. My other goals to help companies and support them in their journey where the culture and thinking must be changing to focus customer needs and to see people behind the roles.
Please visit my website to see the provided simulaton portfolio and blog.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) UBanQ - IT4IT™ -
Regular 1 World Training – USA More information
1 World Training is global Business Simulation, Consulting and Training company having its offices in USA, Netherlands, UK, INDIA, MALAYSIA, UAE, OMAN and SOUTH AFRICA. We at 1 World Training help organizations in Digital Transformations. We believe gamification and business simulation is the best way to influence attitude, behaviour and culture to teach new concepts. We provide innovative solutions and services to help your organization become a digital winner. We also provide IT, business management, project management, ISO Standards and many more trainings for individuals and organizations. is authorized training centre and endorsed by leading global professional bodies such as Axelos, PeopleCert, EXIN, PECB & 1WCERT
Regular 1 World Training Pvt. Ltd More information
1 World Training is global Business Simulation, Consulting and Training company having its offices in USA, Netherlands, UK, INDIA, MALAYSIA, UAE, OMAN and SOUTH AFRICA. We at 1 World Training help organizations in Digital Transformations. We believe gamification and business simulation is the best way to influence attitude, behaviour and culture to teach new concepts. We provide innovative solutions and services to help your organization become a digital winner. We also provide IT, business management, project management, ISO Standards and many more trainings for individuals and organizations. is authorized training centre and endorsed by leading global professional bodies such as Axelos, PeopleCert, EXIN, PECB &
Regular 1 Zwo – Consulting GmbH More information
Die 1 Zwo – Consulting GmbH mit den Standorten Frankfurt am Main, München und Putzbrunn ist Ihr Partner, wenn es neben Qualität auch um Vertrauen geht.
Unsere Kompetenzen erstrecken sich von der klassischen Unternehmensberatung über die Personenzertifizierung bis zum Coaching einzelner Personen oder Gruppen. Über unsere Services können wir ganzheitlich in Unternehmen eingreifen und in jeder Unternehmenssituation unterstützen. Als akkreditiertes Trainingsinstitut bieten wir unseren Kunden gleichzeitig die Möglichkeit sich für die anstehenden oder vorgenommenen Veränderungen entsprechend ausbilden und auch zertifizieren zu lassen.
Wir bilden die folgenden Module im Bereich Schulung und Coaching für unsere Kunden an:
Anforderungsmanagement Agile IT Betriebsmethode
ITIL – IT Infrastructure Library IT Service Management M_o_R – Management of Risk Risikomanagement Management of Change Unternehmensveränderung & Kommunikation NLP Neurolinguistische Programmierung PRINCE2 Klassisches Projektmanagement SCRUM Agiles Projektmanagement Wir bieten unseren Kunden unsere Leistungen an, um gemeinsam Verbesserungspotential zu identifizieren, die nötigen Maßnahmen abzuleiten und dieses Potential auch zu schöpfen. Hierbei ist zweitrangig, ob es die erfolgreiche Umsetzung eines Projektes oder die Schulung von Mitarbeitern sein soll, die der Kunde gemeinsam mit uns anstrebt.
Unsere Mitarbeiter agieren als Trainer und Berater, sodass Sie die Möglichkeit haben, aus einem breiten Spektrum von Kompetenzen zu schöpfen. Unsere Berater sind nicht nur in der Lage die theoretischen Inhalte auch didaktisch zu vermitteln, sondern profitieren zusätzlich von praktischer Erfahrungen aus zahlreichen Projekteinsätzen, um die relevanten Inhalte in Trainings oder Coachings anschaulich zu vermitteln.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular 3 Headed Giant More information
We offer innovative solutions that enable you to organize, manage and get in control of your services.
Our approach is result driven and aimed at facilitating real value from services, both to the service provider and his customers.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action -
Regular A-C-T B.V. More information
A-C-T B.V. offers coaching and training services in business agility, including frameworks and methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, LeSS, business simulations and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. From our point of view business agility is not a goal but an enabler to improve your business. Next to off-the-shelf trainings and workshops we develop custom made formats and learning paths to create a better fit with your context and more impact.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Fly4You - SAFe® -
Regular A2Z-Academy Networks BV More information
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular ACT-F (Advies – Coaching – Training) More information
Independent consultant on the topics of Agile, Lean & DevOps. I help organizations in their Agile and DevOps journey.
I am a strong believer in “…Create the right conditions for the team to solve the right customer problem with the right solution, delivered at the right time to drive the right business value.”
Providing the right training supports in this way and business simulations are a great asset to make things more practical and to support the concept of learning by doing.
I have done several transformations with groups of 100-450 and 14000 people and have worked for companies like Bosch – Rabobank – UWV – Belastingdienst – ING – SCA – Thale
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Fly4You - SAFe® -
Regular Adaptive People BV More information
In our fast changing world, we believe that every company has 3 focus areas:
1. What can we do to boost customer satisfaction and deliver awesome products & services?
2. What can we do to maximize employee intelligence, skills, engagement and employee motivation?
3. How can we create / develop Adaptive People, Adaptive Teams and Adaptive Organizations into BEING agile and deliver awesome products & services instead of doing agile?And because we also believe that lots of intelligence and skills are being underutilized, our main focus is to help you double the intelligence of people and to double the utilization of skills and capabilities of people that are freely available within your organization to maximize customer value and customer satisfaction. Read more about our values & services.
Contact us:
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular AdOPT More information
At AdOPT, we are IT transformation consultants focused on strategy, process, and culture to increase effectiveness, improve efficiency, and optimize costs.
Our services include:
- Vision and strategy development
- Assessments and roadmaps to summarize the current state, outline recommendations for improvement, and present supporting strategies, activities, and timelines
- Designing ITIL® processes based on organizational needs
- Facilitating root cause analysis problem solving sessions
- Organizational change assessments and action plans
- Coaching, mentoring, and training for key staff
- Assisting with your ITSM and ITIL certification training needs
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular AEGISoft bvba More information
AEGISoft offers coaching and training to IT-leadership and development teams.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Agile Brothers s.r.o. More information
Agile Brothers is a consulting firm focused on implementing agile practices and principles in companies of all sizes to deliver tangible business results. We draw inspiration from a number of globally successful frameworks and approaches such as SAFe, Flight Levels and OKRs.
We believe there is no template or generic blueprint for implementing business agility. We believe that every company must find its own path and that path should be based on continuous learning and improvement.
The simulation games created by GamingWorks clearly help on this journey.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Fly4You - SAFe® -
Regular AGILE21® / Radtac Portugal More information
We transform organisations by releasing the potential of your people through training, coaching and consulting, delivery, visualisation, and bringing in the best people to deliver measurable results at all levels.
We grow revenues, reduce costs, increase customer and employee satisfaction, and improve efficiency and effectiveness. We help you deliver value rapidly, frequently and consistently.
Our success stories reach back to 2012, covering a wide range of renowned organisations in the public and private sector. Our clients value our experience and our thought leadership in all areas of Agile business transformation.
AGILE21 is now Radtac and both are recognised by clients as the place where smart, ambitious people, who value their integrity and independence want to work. Our success comes down to our people – and we only work with the best. Our selection process is challenging: it’s designed to identify people who have the deep technical knowledge, and, most importantly, the unique blend of people skills that differentiate a Radtac professional from the rest.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular ALC Group More information
ALC is a leading Australia-based provider of quality training for business and government, since 1994. Our focus is on best-practice methods and frameworks that help ensure you get the most out of your investment in IT.
With offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Kuala Lumpur, our courses are held regularly throughout Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
Key portfolio streams are:
Enterprise (TOGAF®, Business Analysis, DevOps®)
Project Management (Agile®, PRINCE2®, Scrum, MSP®, P3O®, MoP®, MoV®)
Information Security (SABSA®, ISO 27001, SASP®, CRISC®, CISSP®, CISM®)Service Management (ITIL® – Foundation through to Expert)
IT Governance (COBIT®, CGEIT®)
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular ALC Group, Malaysia More information
ALC is a leading Australia-based provider of quality training for business and government, since 1994. Our focus is on best-practice methods and frameworks that help ensure you get the most out of your investment in IT.
With offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Kuala Lumpur, our courses are held regularly throughout Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
Key portfolio streams are:
Enterprise (TOGAF®, Business Analysis, DevOps®)
Project Management (Agile®, PRINCE2®, Scrum, MSP®, P3O®, MoP®, MoV®)
Information Security (SABSA®, ISO 27001, SASP®, CRISC®, CISSP®, CISM®)Service Management (ITIL® – Foundation through to Expert)
IT Governance (COBIT®, CGEIT®)
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular ALC Group, New Zealand More information
ALC is a leading Australia-based provider of quality training for business and government, since 1994. Our focus is on best-practice methods and frameworks that help ensure you get the most out of your investment in IT.
With offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Kuala Lumpur, our courses are held regularly throughout Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
Key portfolio streams are:
Enterprise (TOGAF®, Business Analysis, DevOps®)
Project Management (Agile®, PRINCE2®, Scrum, MSP®, P3O®, MoP®, MoV®)
Information Security (SABSA®, ISO 27001, SASP®, CRISC®, CISSP®, CISM®)Service Management (ITIL® – Foundation through to Expert)
IT Governance (COBIT®, CGEIT®)
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular ALC Group, Singapore More information
ALC is a leading Australia-based provider of quality training for business and government, since 1994. Our focus is on best-practice methods and frameworks that help ensure you get the most out of your investment in IT.
With offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Kuala Lumpur, our courses are held regularly throughout Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
Key portfolio streams are:
Enterprise (TOGAF®, Business Analysis, DevOps®)
Project Management (Agile®, PRINCE2®, Scrum, MSP®, P3O®, MoP®, MoV®)
Information Security (SABSA®, ISO 27001, SASP®, CRISC®, CISSP®, CISM®)Service Management (ITIL® – Foundation through to Expert)
IT Governance (COBIT®, CGEIT®)
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular ALTEN Nederland BV More information
The development of new technologies is costly and requires specialist knowledge. ALTEN is the consulting and engineering organization working in various (niche) markets for the high tech sector and ICT. Knowledge in the field of technology plays an important role, thé central pillar within ALTEN.
ALTEN also converts her specialist knowledge in the field of IT, an important sector in the Netherlands. Quality and reliability, innovations in the area of Big Data and Internet of Things, in which we play an active role with our partners in order to strengthen the digital economy of the Netherlands.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Altkom Akademia S.A. More information
- Polish company, established in Y1989
- Three divisions: Education Services, Software and Consulting, Systems Integration
- 550 full-time employees
Education Services: IT, Business and Soft Skills Education
- Wide portfolio of courses (600) and educational services
- Management skills, Project Management, Business Process Analysis
- Courses for IT professionals and end users, all main IT technologies
- Soft skills, personal and social competencies to complement technical training
- 7 regional Education Centers: 90 classrooms, 1 000 seats, 10 fully equipped mobile classrooms
- Until now ca 300 000 students, Y2008 32 000 attendees
- 6 specialized teams of trainers: Project Management, Soft Skills, Office Applications, Software Engineering, Microsoft & Cisco Technology, Corporate Technology (ITIL®, Linux, Unix, Data Protection and High Availability, Virtualization Technologies)
- High standards and quality control (ISO 2000:9001 certificate)
- Prometric and VUE Authorized Testing Centers
- Innovative and effective teaching methods, instructor lead courses, blended learning, e learning, coaching
- Modern infrastructure
- Credibility
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular Aranea More information
Aranea is een management adviesbureau gespecialiseerd in vraagstukken op het snijvlak van mensen, processen en technologie. Vanuit deze integrale visie zijn wij een gids op weg naar meerwaarde.
Door de jaren heen hebben we een sterke positie verworven bij zowel nationale als internationale organisaties. Aranea adviseurs werken met name voor gemeenten, de zorg en innovatieve ondernemingen.
In de kern bieden we advies, interimmanagement, project-, programma- en portfoliomanagement rondom thema’s als de digitale transformatie, de wendbare organisatie en informatiebeveiliging.
Wij helpen de unieke games van GamingWorks op maat inzetten voor onze klanten! Ontdek meer op onze website en/of neem gerust contact op voor een vrijblijvende kennismaking of een brochure.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps Hollywood Dreams - SIAM The Greatest Move™ Fly4You - SAFe® CarWorks™ TOPMeeting™ -
Regular Asseco Data Systems S.A. More information
Asseco Data Systems S.A. (ADS) is a company that is known to be one of the largest IT companies in Poland. By integrating a variety of skills and experiences of nearly 1,000 experts, ADS has a broad and unique set of solutions in areas such as trainings and a platform for human resource management, document management and mass print-out and emailing services, software for leasing and financial institutions, software for local administration and public, cloud computing, software and infrastructure, electronic signature and trust services.
Department of Trainings for Enterprises in ADS provides customers with comprehensive solutions, from determining the competence needs of employees to providing knowledge and skills in various technologies. ADS is a Polish market leader in designing and delivering trainings concerning IT solutions, business applications, project management, IT services management and developing business skills.
When working with clients, the company makes sure that designed educational processes are complete, efficient and, above all rational. With the delivery of services, employees put a lot of effort in ensuring the quality of services, ensuring appropriate knowledge, skills and experience of trainers dedicated to delivering trainings. Services provided by the company are certified by ISO 9001: 2000.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action -
Regular Atos IT Solutions and Services s.r.o. More information
Atos globally: Our keywords are digital transformation, innovation and value creation, both for our own company and for our clients. We have cemented our position as the trusted partner for our clients’ digital transformation, with the resources, the scale and the know-how that our clients need.
(We are country subsidiary of Atos in Slovakia)
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Atos Nederland More information
Our keywords are digital transformation, innovation and value creation, both for our own company and for our clients. We have cemented our position as the trusted partner for our clients’ digital transformation, with the resources, the scale and the know-how that our clients need.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Hollywood Dreams - SIAM -
Regular AXONE, a brand of DRS Management & Services SPRL More information
Axone est une filiale récente de DRS Management & Services, société-mère active dans le domaine de la gestion de services informatiques depuis de nombreuses années. Axone met l’accent sur la bonne gouvernance et la gestion éclairée tant des services informatiques que des projets qui les concernent. Axone s’adresse à toutes les entreprises qui ont à cœur d’intégrer dans leur fonctionnement informatique les bonnes pratiques enseignées par les référentiels ITIL ou Prince2. Elle s’appuie sur l’expertise de plus de 25 ans de ses 2 consultants seniors pour accompagner les projets les plus variés dans ces domaines, avec entrain, dynamisme et compétence. De nombreux clients en Belgique, au Luxembourg et en France peuvent en témoigner ! Apollo XIII est l’outil de prédilection utilisé pour éveiller la conscience et l’enthousiasme des plus réticents. Un contact ne coûte rien. Nous vous attendons !
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Best Practice Consulting de Boer More information
Enable change this is our mission.
Much has already been said and written about changes within organizations. The speed with which (technological) developments follow each other is increasing enormously. What worked yesterday no longer fits today; nowadays, as an organization, you must be able to respond quickly to changing needs and be agile. But change is not always easy and will often lead to resistance. Every change impacts the organization, its employees, stakeholders, processes, value streams, information and technology, on partners and suppliers.
At BPC de Boer we understand the value of tailor-made Best Practices, a proven methodology, working method or process that has been successfully used by multiple organizations and fits within the context of its organization. In addition, it is vital that the change is carefully managed. BPC de Boer’s approach is aimed at discovering in co-creation where you stand in the change and what the next steps will be.
These steps can be in the field of simulation games, training, workshops, coaching and / or consultancy.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Biner Academy AB More information
Founded in year 2000 and active throughout Scandinavia, Biner provides highly qualified services and training in Business Analysis, Architecture, Project Management and Agile/DevOps.
Our experience and approach guarantee improved agility and the ability to develop your business better and faster.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Blu Systems GmbH More information
Regular BMC Software Inc More information
BMC offers a unified Business Service Management (BSM) platform that simplifies and automates IT processes, improves decision-making, and orchestrates workflow across cloud, virtual, distributed, and mainframe resources.
BMC Education Services helps user adoption with industry leading practices through BSM training for your enterprise
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Bordewijk Training & Advies More information
Development is often part of an organizational change. Therefore, the right intervention should be based on understanding the phase an organization and the people are in.
Bordewijk Training & Advies has lengthy experience in the IT Industry, putting to practice frameworks such as BiSL and Scrum. In addition to the accreditations for GamingWorks simulations, Bordewijk T&A also holds these trainer accreditations:
-ITIL Foundation and Intermediate Modules
-ISO/IEC Foundation and PractitionerIn choosing the most effective training intervention, we choose the right mix of theory and simulation based on an in-depth analysis of the challenges of an organization.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Greatest Move™ The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Brunel Nederland BV More information
Brunel International’s mission is to be the leader in specific segments of the international labour market. As an authority on national and international recruitment, we have the ability to identify developments early, and quickly help our customers benefit from such developments.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular BUSINESS & IT LLC More information
Empowering Enterprises with Business Agility and Transformation Excellence
For two decades, we have been at the forefront of facilitating profound business transformations. Our mission is to equip companies with the knowledge they need to thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape.
We specialize in training and coaching teams in the realms of IT Service Management and Lean-Agile best practices.
Our dedicated team of seasoned professionals possesses a deep understanding of these critical domains, ensuring that our clients stay ahead of the curve.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular Business IT More information
Business IT is a company dedictated to collaborating between public and private companies in the development of knowledge and the implementation of processes and IT Service Management systems, control models, quality and security systems, based on best practices, frameworks and standards like: ITIL, CoBIT, ISO27000, MOF, ISO 20000, PMI, Organisation Change, eTOM, BPM and CMMi.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Greatest Move™ MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular BusinessNow More information
BusinessNow is a Nordic consultancy company specialized in the implementation and automation of Service Management processes.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Camelot Consulting, Inc. More information
Project Management, PMP Examination Preparation, Team Dynamics training, custom curriculum development and consulting services. Apollo 13 and Challenge of Egypt simulation facilitation.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular Capgemini Danmark A/S More information
Capgemini helps you improve your company’s performance. We deliver real business results through a people-centered approach to technology and providing the right expertise according to your needs.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) -
Regular Capgemini USA More information
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Castellum gemmae UG (haftungsbeschränkt) More information
Castellum gemmae provides premium IT-Services – also specialized on KRITIS companies’ requirements.
Our customers range from small companies to worldwide-acting enterprises in all sectors like financial sector, manufacturing business, aerospace, public suppliers or services branch.
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular Cegeka Consulting More information
Binnen Cegeka als one-stop ICT Service provider zijn wij dé consultants die met klanten op weg gaan om hun strategische uitdagingen te definiëren en oplossingen te ontwerpen en uit te voeren. Daarbij focussen we op een concrete combinatie van People, Process, Technology & Purpose. Bewustwording en continue verbetering zijn dan cruciaal. Middels workshops, trainingen, innovatiesessies en Business Simulations geven we daar inhoud aan.
We hebben consultants die praktijkervaring, vakkennis en didactische vaardigheden combineren.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) The Greatest Move™ The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps -
Regular Centric Consulting, LLC More information
Centric is dedicated to providing unmatched experiences. We are guided by our commitment to do what’s right for you.
Centric Consulting is a business consulting and technology solutions firm providing full-service management consulting services. Together with you, we optimize your processes, enable you to achieve your business goals and become more competitive.
Our culture, people and delivery come together in what makes Centric truly different – our balanced approach to achieving lasting solutions. We’ve created a company culture that embraces big thinking and small details, providing enterprise impact through local delivery. We have the crucial conversations, we ask the hard questions and we look at problems from all angles.
Learn more about the core values that define us, the leaders that shape us and what to expect when working with Centric by visiting our website.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular CGI Canada More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular CGI Finland More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular CGI France SAS More information
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular CGI Nederland B.V. More information
Founded in 1976, CGI is among the largest IT and business consulting services firms in the world.
We are insights-driven and outcomes-based to help accelerate returns on your investments. Across 21 industry sectors in 400 locations worldwide, our 90,000 professionals provide comprehensive, scalable and sustainable IT and business consulting services that are informed globally and delivered locally
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Clemens Espe Consulting More information
- IT Service Management
- Klassisches un agiles Projektmanagement
- Strategieentwicklung und -umsetzung
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Cleverics More information
Cleverics is a company which helps to implement and use Information technology with a high effect and proper risk control. And with pleasure.
Our specialty is IT Management education and consulting.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action 2020™ - achieving sustainable change The Phoenix Project - DevOps Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular CloudNation BV More information
CloudNation brings public cloud knowledge, skill and experience to companies in order to accelerate IT transformations. We enable, empower and deliver successful cloud solutions, while focussing on people and process.
Accelerating your IT transformation? CloudNation knows how!
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) -
Regular CloudTeam More information
CloudTeam is one of the leading IT training companies in Poland specializing in Cloud Computing, both in the field of consulting and training services. Operating throughout Poland, it provides authorized Amazon Web Services training (AWS) for CIOs, architects, system operators and programmers. The scope of services also includes technologies such as Microsoft Azure, Office365, Google Cloud Platform, G Suite, and other solutions offered by Microsoft, Citrix, Comptia and Veeam.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Co-Learning More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps -
Regular Coaching For Change Ltd More information
Coaching for Change – Change Leaders Development, Leadership & Management Coaching and Consultancy Training, Lean Six Sigma
Coaching for Change specialises in developing skills and behaviours for our client’s leaders to facilitate sustainable performance improvement. We have a unique approach to re-shaping organisation design. As triple-accredited training providers, we advise and deliver business improvement techniques that are endorsed by professionals in a broad spectrum of industries – from Aerospace, Automotive, Oil & Gas, Defence to Finance, Healthcare, Government, Legal, Rail, Security and Telecommunications. Our innovative approaches and excellence in training have been recognised by public and private organisations worldwide.
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular Cognitus IT Solutions More information
En Cognitus nos dedicamos a la Capacitación Corporativa de Profesionistas de TI. Con mas de 10 años de experiencia, nuestra empresa logra transmitir los mejores conocimientos, experiencias y mejores practicas que hemos adquirido a través del tiempo para lograr un impacto real en el aprendizaje de nuestros clientes y ayudarlos a lograr su transformación digital.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) -
Regular Compendium Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o. More information
Compendium Centrum Edukacyjne is an education company which address a training need of companies working in the IT industry. The mission of Compendium CE is to provide specialized training courses in advanced products and information technologies in Central and Eastern Europe.
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Conquaestor More information
ConQuaestor Consulting richt haar dienstverlening op Finance, Business Performance & Process Management en de hieraan gerelateerde ICT. Het resutlaat voor onze opdrachtgever: het succesvol doorvoeren van gewenste organisatie-verbeteringen.
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular consectra GmbH More information
Die consectra GmbH ist ein Trainings- und Beratungsunternehmen mit den Schwerpunkten IT-Service-Management, ISMS, Informationssicherheit, Datenschutz, Awareness.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Conversaction More information
“Practice to learn. Dialog to innovate”
Conversaction is a training and consultancy company aimed to work in international and local projects on management. Our approach is suited for integration in large training plans, talent programs, driving corporate change, and social events with a clear learning point. The company is focused in using inmersive and participative tools in the learning process. The team is engaged in designing and delivering business simulations for organizations, and taking the most benefit for clients from the powerful potencial offered by GamingWorks’ products. (Conversaction offer its services in Spanish language, but can collaborate in English and Italian training teams).Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular CTG Belgium SA/NV More information
CTG provides industry-specific IT services and solutions that address the business needs and challenges of clients in high-growth industries in North America and Western Europe. CTG also provides strategic staffing services for major technology companies and large corporations. Backed by over 50 years of experience and proprietary methodologies, CTG has a proven track record of reliably delivering high-value, industry-specific staffing services and solutions to its clients. CTG has operations in North America, Western Europe, and India. The company regularly posts news and other important information online at
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Fly4You - SAFe® CarGO - IT Service Management essentials -
Regular Ctree BV More information
Ctree BV is an organisation design and transformation company. We guide our customers during their (digital) transformation journey. We believe that every change starts at the heart by giving an answer on: ‘what’s in it for me?’ We are experts in the DevOps and Agile mindset. We do this by giving workshops, trainings and (team)coaching and interim management on every level, from operational to executive level.
We served several (inter)national customers, including APG, ING,,, DELA, Philips, ASML, KLM, NN and DPG media.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) -
Regular Ctrl Improve More information
Onze passie is om op energieke wijze mensen in veranderende organisaties enthousiast te krijgen bij het leren, beheersen en verbeteren.
Complexe en uitgebreide theorieën brengen wij graag aan u over op een down-to-earth manier.
Wat bieden wij?
- Ctrl – Beheersing van “best practices”.
- Servicemanagement trainingen – ITIL, ASL, BiSL, DevOps, Business Skills.
- Projectmanagement trainingen – PRINCE2, PRINCE2 Agile, Agile PM, Scrum, TMap.
- Improve – Continu verbeteren.
- Verbetertraject trainingen – Lean Basics, Lean-IT, Lean Leadership, Lean Kaizen.
- Learn – Leren door te doen.
- Simulatie – Veilig experimenteren in een Business Simulatie / serious game.
- Consultancy – Advies bij implementatie.
- Coaching – Ondersteuning op de werkvloer.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Fly4You - SAFe® - Ctrl – Beheersing van “best practices”.
Regular Cucumber Limited More information
Cucumber Limited provides three service offerings based in New Zealand/Australia:
- Digital Services covering digital strategy, design, website development and support.
- Project Services – providing business consulting, project management, business analysis and facilitation services.
- Custom Solutions – for specific .Net and Mobile application development work to meet client needs.
Our Project Services team supports the delivery of the Business Simulations and Experiential Learning from GamingWorks. Over the years we have assembled a small and perfectly-formed team of highly-skilled consultants and other awesome people who work with businesses of all shapes and sizes.
If you are looking for talented and personable people who are at the top of their game and can get jobs done and teams working in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges you should talk to our Project Services team. That’s pretty much a normal day at the office for them.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular Customer Care Associates & More information
Somos un grupo de especialistas en la gestión y el desarrollo del Customer Experience con más de 20 años en el sector.
Como consultoría especializada buscamos impulsar organizaciones a través de nuestra metodología de análisis VEC.
Y es con esta que logramos darle espacio a las cinco voces con las que se relacionan tus clientes y tu negocio.
Con nuestra metodología podemos identificar la realidad de una organización, lo que valora un cliente de tus servicios y cómo transformar el talento interno de una empresa, para estrechar los lazos entre esta y sus consumidores.Nosotros identificamos los hoyos de la cubeta por donde tus clientes se van con tu competencia
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management CarGO - IT Service Management essentials -
Regular CustomerGames More information
Ervarend leren. Dat is de rode draad in mijn carrière. Omdat ik zelf zo in elkaar zit. Ik leer het beste door nieuwe dingen zelf te doen. Toen ik ontdekte dat dit voor veel meer mensen geldt, ben ik er mijn werk van gaan maken. Eerst door outdoor-trainingen te begeleiden en leerwerkplaatsen op te zetten. En sinds 2005 door business games te ontwikkelen en als onderdeel van veranderingen en trainingen te spelen met bedrijven en instellingen.
Bij Douwe Egberts heb ik destijds kennis gemaakt met live business games. Wat was dat gaaf! Zoveel energie en wat een effect. De directeur hoefde niet te vertellen waarom de verandering zo belangrijk was – medewerkers kwamen zelf tot die conclusie. Als change manager kon ik bij problemen in het vervolgtraject er ook telkens op terugvallen: “Hoe losten jullie dat in de game ook alweer op?”
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular Cyara More information
Over 300 leading global brands trust the Cyara CX Assurance Platform to improve the experience they provide their customers. We help organizations achieve flawless customer experiences through automated testing and monitoring that simulate real world customer interactions across IVR, voice and digital channels. If your CX needs to be the best, it needs to be tested by Cyara.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Cybiant Asia Sdn. Bhd. More information
We believe that in the long run, data driven decisions are fundamentally better and can help to solve many of the world’s most pressing problems. From healthcare to energy, from education to agriculture. The mission of Cybiant is to change the world, one day at a time, by making governments, corporations and individuals take better decisions. We develop algorithms and employ data scientists to unearth patterns and information that lead to a brighter and more sustainable future.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular dbmetrics b.v. More information
I am a consultant for 80% of my time. For 15% I am trainer for ITMG, Gladwell, IIR and Hoge School Utrecht. For 5% of my time I am auditor and examiner for Exin.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Deloitte Enterprise Risk Management – Malaysia More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular DevOn India-NL B.V. More information
The advantages of DevOps are well known: Get changes into production quickly while minimizing risks, shorter time-to-market, continuous software deployment, etc. But the road to adopt DevOps can be quite difficult. That’s where we step in. Through consultancy, training and DevOps delivery teams, we help organizations to radically improve and accelerate their software development so they can stay ahead of the competition in this rapidly changing market.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) -
Regular Devoteam More information
Devoteam, we are digital transformakers. With more then 5000 enthusiastic colleagues we help customers in their digital transformation. From coaching to implementation, from design to support, Devoteam has the capabilities to help. Using DORA as our key-differentiator, with 24 focus areas, we are able, to guide you through this process of transformation towards a high performing organization. One of the most important areas to start with is awareness and the Phoenix game is thé game to play with your management.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps -
Regular Devoteam NV SA More information
At Devoteam, we deliver innovative technology consulting for business.
As a pure player of Digital Transformation for leading organisations across EMEA, our 7,200+ professionals are dedicated to ensuring our clients win their digital battles. With a unique transformation DNA, we connect business and technology.
Present in 18 countries in Europe and the Middle East, and drawing on more than 20 years of experience, we shape Technology for People, so it creates value for our clients, for our partners and for our employees.
Devoteam achieved revenues of €652.4 million in 2018.
At Devoteam, we are Digital Transformakers.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Dierk Söllner More information
Dierk Söllner is working as a coach, trainer and business consultant for IT Service Management and agile business development. He supports organizations, teams and individuals to succeed in new roles, better kind of working together, adapting modern ways to improve and face the actual challenges. He was selected as a DASA DevOps Ambassador for Germany, helds a lectureship for “Agile IT Service Management” at the NORDAKADEMIE, Hamburg and is accredited as a Scrum trainer. His customers cover the range from small companies up to greater organizations.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) Fly4You - SAFe® CarGO - IT Service Management essentials -
Regular Ditum Group LLP More information
Project Management and ITSM consulting company. Official representative of Fox IT in Kazakhstan.
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular doICT Bernd Ebert More information
We work as Business Coach, Consultant and Trainer for Processes, Organisational development, Project Management, IT Service Management, Leadership and Teams. We support companies in solving issues and introducing improvements, to enable them to better achieve their goals and better serve their customers.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular E2E ITSM Consulting Pty. Ltd. More information
E2E ITSM Consulting Pty. Ltd. provides consulting and training services in multiple industry best practices such as ITIL, CMMI, ISO 9001, ISO/IEC20000 just to name a few.
E2E ITSM Consulting Pty. Ltd. supports organisations – large and small – that are looking at documenting or improving their services and/or processes by providing modular end to end services that span from initial baseline assessments to improvement strategy maps, to detailed corrective action and improvement plans, process documentation, automation and standardisation (based on the Baldrige Performance Excellence Programme), organisational management of change, programme and project management and training.
To complement their consulting services, E2E ITSM Consulting Pty. Ltd. has partnered with recognised world class technology and automation providers that offer Service Management and process automation options to customers.
To complement its Training services, E2E ITSM Consulting Pty. Ltd. has partnered with GamingWorks, a recognised world class simulation games provider. Simulation-based training increases training effectiveness as well as training budget’s ROI.
Our service delivery model is flexible, negotiable and depends on our customers’ service requirements and budget.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action -
Regular Egor Productions More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Empiric Management Solutions More information
Empiric Management Solutions offers training, coaching, mentoring and consulting on Agile project management in both public and private formats.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Eraneos Iberia More information
Eraneos es una consultora global de estrategia y gestión de tecnología que da forma al futuro digital de las organizaciones. Con nuestros servicios y expertos en los diferentes sectores, podemos ayudar a los clientes a estar un paso por delante en sus retos de la era digital en la que vivimos.
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Fly4You - SAFe® The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) -
Regular Eraneos Switzerland More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Fly4You - SAFe® MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Expert Thinking (Consulting) Limited More information
Expert Thinking are cloud native consultancy who help customers transform through powerful and optimised cloud technologies
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) -
Regular expertplace consulting GmbH More information
expertplace is an SME consulting firm, represented in 7 locations across Germany. Deeply rooted in the IT industry, we have been developing and implementing successful business strategies for years. Our experts advise companies from all sectors in significant areas such as strategy, security, process management, risk management, compliance and governance.
expertplace academy stands for a high-quality, modern seminar offer for specialists and executives, with first-class experts. As a certified partner for the areas ITIL, PRINCE2, SCRUM and COBIT, our trainers combine the knowledge from practice and teaching.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Fa. Wolfgang Vogt More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular FCS Consulting GmbH More information
Die FCS Consulting GmbH steht für jahrelange Erfahrung und exzellentes Know-How rund um IT Service Management. Die Schwerpunkte in der Beratung umfassen sowohl die Optimierung und Einführung von IT-Service-Prozessen als auch den Aufbau benötigter Fähigkeiten und die Begeisterung der daran beteiligten Menschen. Projekte werden erst durch ausgebildete, motivierte Mitarbeiter erfolgreich. Interaktives Lernen ist dabei ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel, denn echte Effizienz kann nur durch täglich bewusst gelebte Verfahren erreicht werden. Erst dann gelingt es, Prozesse, Menschen und Technologien in Einklang zu bringen und den Erfolg nachhaltig sicher zu stellen.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular FOX IT – India More information
Fox IT is a leading IT Service Management (ITSM) Consulting firm supporting clients improve their delivery of effective and quality services.
Fox IT Provides the Following Services :
1.Consulting Services : Fox IT specialises in helping clients accelerate transformation programs that drive improvement of their business through IT service management. Fox IT brings expertise through world renowned trainers, consultants and toolkits to shape the most appropriate solution to effect change whether that be the adoption of service management frameworks (such as ITIL®, COBIT®, MOF), standards certifications (ISO/IEC 20000, ISO/IEC 27001),
2.Competencey Development (Training) Services: We provide a wide portfolio of courses supporting Service Delivery including ITIL® Training and related courses, COBIT®5, ISO/IEC 20000 , RESILIA™ Training,, Lean IT, DEVOPS and PRINCE2® using a wide range of standard and tailored delivery methods.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular FOX IT – UK More information
Fox IT is a leading IT Service Management (ITSM) Consulting firm supporting clients improve their delivery of effective and quality services.
Fox IT Provides the Following Services:
1.Consulting Services : Fox IT specialises in helping clients accelerate transformation programs that drive improvement of their business through IT service management. Fox IT brings expertise through world renowned trainers, consultants and toolkits to shape the most appropriate solution to effect change whether that be the adoption of service management frameworks (such as ITIL®, COBIT®, MOF), standards certifications (ISO/IEC 20000, ISO/IEC 27001),
2.Competency Development (Training) Services: We provide a wide portfolio of courses supporting Service Delivery including ITIL® Training and related courses, COBIT®5, ISO/IEC 20000 , RESILIA™ Training,, Lean IT, DEVOPS and PRINCE2® using a wide range of standard and tailored delivery methods.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Freedom To Soar, LLC More information
Freedom To Soar is dedicated to helping clients gain clarity on what is essential and making their highest possible contributions towards that. We provide services for leadership development, team effectiveness and agile & DevOps transformations. Our offerings include coaching, training, consulting and assessments.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Fresh Tracks Digital Consulting More information
Transformation Management, Strategy Generation, Advisory, Current State Assessment, Resourcing and Training in:
- Digital Strategy,
- DevOps and Agile practices,
- ICT Governance, IT Service Management and SIAM,
- Project, Programme, Portfolio and PMO Management.
For more information, please visit:
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Apollo 13 - IT Service Management MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) Hollywood Dreams - SIAM Fly4You - SAFe® -
Regular Freshworks More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Fruition Partners More information
Fruition Partners, a DXC Technology Company (formerly known as Logicalis SMC) is the dedicated global ServiceNow practice of DXC Technology. DXC Technology (DXC: NYSE) is the world’s leading independent, end-to-end IT services company, helping clients harness the power of innovation to thrive on change. Created by the merger of CSC and the Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, DXC Technology serves nearly 6,000 private and public sector clients across 70 countries. The company’s technology independence, global talent and extensive partner network combine to deliver powerful next-generation IT services and solutions. DXC Technology is recognized among the best corporate citizens globally and is a ServiceNow Global Strategic Partner. For more information on Fruition Partners, A DXC Technology Company, visit
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management UBanQ - IT4IT™ -
Regular Fujitsu More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Fujo Consultancy & Training More information
Training en workshops zijn waardevol omdat kennis, inspiratie en inzichten worden gedeeld met deelnemers. Op het gebied van organisatieverandering & improvement wordt er een ideaal gedeeld, een success story waar veel van te leren valt. Vaak ontbreekt de relatie met de dagelijkse praktijk van deelnemers.
Bij Fujo Consultancy & Training kijken we daarom voorbij de success story, voorbij de methodieken en frameworks en gaan we op basis van verregaande kennis in verbetermethodieken en -filosofieën & success stories op zoek naar aansluiting op de praktijk van de deelnemers. Zodat de uitkomst van de training of workshop ook concrete vervolgstappen bevat.
Dit is de reden waarom The Phoenix Project Business Simulatie zo goed aansluit. De simulatie geeft, door ervaring en inzichten, richting en inspiratie kunnen geven om morgen te gaan verbeteren.
Fujo Consultancy & Training heeft uitgebreide ervaring met het begeleiden van organisatie veranderingen en traint vanuit die ervaring organisatieveranderaars, leiders en teams.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Gander Service Management Ltd. More information
At Gander Service Management we offer real world experience in managing, leading & mentoring
IT Operations teams and leading pragmatic business process improvements. With a firm understanding of the requirements to build a good Devops environment, we are also well placed to assist with the Devops journey.
Service Management enables you to work better and smarter. It’s not about putting in place processes just for the sake of it, but to deliver more value to your customers and business.
We do not believe that improving your existing service requires huge projects designed to interfere with supporting your customers. Rather, using pragmatic and agile techniques, we offer an approach that works with your teams and does not interfere with your ability to deliver to your customers.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps -
Regular GARRANTO PTE LTD More information
The Garranto Group, an organization encompassing Garranto Academy, Executive Search, and Consulting/Advisory Services. Since our establishment in 2016, Garranto Academy has been a leader in executive education and professional training, accredited by the Institute of Banking and Finance Singapore and HRD Corp Malaysia.
Our vision is to empower millions through innovative learning and skill development programs, focusing on bridging the skills gap and enhancing societal capabilities for the future. Our mission aligns with global aspirations, aiming to upskill few million people by 2030 to foster sustainable human development and women’s empowerment worldwide. Garranto Academy is dedicated to closing the knowledge and talent gap in global markets including Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. -
Regular Gibson Group More information
Delivering outstanding customer experiences through Program Management, Coaching and Sales Consulting
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Global Knowledge More information
Global Knowledge is ‘s werelds grootste onafhankelijke aanbieder van IT-trainingen en levert IT en management professionals een uitgebreid curriculum aan cursussen van onder andere Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, Citrix, Avaya, Oracle/Sun Microsystems, EMC, Red Hat, Novell, Juniper en HP.
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Global Knowledge S.A. de C.V. More information
La empresa independiente más grande en capacitación de tecnologías de información de Latinoamérica
Netec es una empresa de la red Global Knowledge
Ofrecemos cursos certificados de los principales fabricantes de la industria con métodos de entrega presencial en aulas como en línea en vivo o para ser tomados a cualquier hora en cualquier lugar.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) -
Regular Glumin Networks SC More information
Specialists in knowledge management and collaboration, leveraged with best practices, collaboration platforms and business simulators, aimed to Organizational Transformation.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular Gnist Consulting AS More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Gofore Oyj More information
In a digitally disrupted world, services will be constantly reinvented. Technology revolutionises the way we live, work, make decisions and act on a daily basis. We enjoy more open, democratic, accessible and happy lives than ever before.
At Gofore, we help bring new technologies from the drawing board into daily use. Our aim is to help organisations transform, stay current in the ever-changing environment and capitalize on new opportunities. We seek to build an increasingly functional future.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular GreenSocks Consulting GmbH More information
GreenSocks focuses on lean solutions and developed an approach for enablement and supervision. Our approach merges coaching and consulting in a way that enables organizations to implement and further develop solutions by themselves.
Independently of the individual underlying question, three areas will always be affected: Strategy, organization and processes
Only when including all of these areas robust solutions will be found.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action -
Regular Güetchu More information
GÜETCHU specialises in IT and Business training, certification and professional skills. Original and curated content that creates an extensive database of holistic knowledge that aids the professional in every aspect of their life-long learning experience.
GÜETCHU has developed a unique approach to Digital Transformation focusing in mentoring and coaching digital leaders to achieve the organizations digitalization goals.
Via its own consultants expertise and recognised third parties tools and solutions, GÜETCHU has implemented a simple, but yet powerful roadmap to digital transformation, organisational change and business agility.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular GuideVision More information
GuideVision is a dynamic and progressive consultancy committed to enabling clients to reimagine and transform their enterprise service management with ServiceNow. GuideVision empowers its international clientele through strategic advice, deep expertise and innovative technological knowledge.
Our agile methodology enables structured progress on mission-critical ServiceNow implementations with short delivery terms. Having our roots in software development, we know great tech when we see it, and that’s why we love ServiceNow. The combination of our team with ServiceNow has been shown to help businesses run better, and our mission is to make ServiceNow work for you and your goals.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Hawa Experts More information
Hawa Experts is a consulting firm who is specialized in Service Management Practices, Service Desk Management Standards, IT Governance Practices, IT Talent Management and Best Practices Certification and Training.
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Henka Pte Ltd More information
We are a consulting company based in Singapore and specialists in supporting organizations in their transformation journey. Our core areas of expertise are Agile, Lean and Design Thinking.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular HPE Education More information
Hewlett Packard Enterprise will train your employees using real equipment and systems environments to model actual business scenarios. Our industry-leading instructors have full access to the developers who drive technology innovation. We train over 100,000 IT and business professionals annually, in 28 languages and 90 countries.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular, s.r.o. More information
ICT-123.COM is a company that helps customers succeed in their digital transformation by assisting them to get under control their individual challenges and opportunities.
We use the 8-fields model to suggest the best and fastest way to address or exploit them based on evaluating the current level of readiness in a given context. We don’t limit ourselves to one possible approach or one possible tool, and we don’t address what is not needed in a given context. This makes our solution effective. Solutions can include consulting, training, facilitation, mentoring, coaching, and support tools. Business simulations are an integral component that practically deepens understanding of the solution, builds high-performing teams, and defines effective workflows that can be automated later on.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Apollo 13 - ISM™ Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action -
Regular illuminEight More information
We offer consulting, mentorship and coaching för IT organisations. We can guide you through your improvement initiatives and share our knowldege and experience in leadership, process improvement, service improvement, data driven innovation and people. We know attitude, behavior, culture and communication are essential parts in a digital transformation.
We also perform training in various areas such as ITIL, BRM, Communication, Leadership and Lean.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular Incrementa More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Innspire More information
InnSpire is anders dan andere bedrijven. Onze cultuur typeert zich door een bijzondere combinatie van autonomie en collectivisme. Die hebben we gebaseerd op drie pijlers die een stevig fundament vormen.
VRIJHEID: Wij geloven dat professionals het beste resultaat leveren als ze de vrijheid hebben om opdrachten te kiezen die bij ze past. De vrijheid om hun werk en hun tijd zelf in te delen. Een paar weken extra vakantie per jaar? Niemand die je tegenhoudt. Toch die PSPO II certificering behalen? Wij helpen je bij het vinden van de juiste opleider en brengen je alvast in contact met InnSpirators die jou zijn voorgegaan. Bij Innspire deelt iedereen zijn carrière en werkleven zelf in.
SAMEN: We inspireren en challengen elkaar op dagelijkse, wekelijkse en maandelijkse basis. Dat doen we tijdens de fameuze InnSpire bijeenkomsten. Zo gingen we in de afgelopen periode de strijd virtueel met elkaar aan, leerden we meer over Pubercoaching en gingen we aan de slag met de Roos van Leary.
“Samen” vertaalt zich door naar de dagelijkse praktijk. Onze groep met IT-professionals bestaat uit uiteenlopende karakters met een eigen achtergrond en expertise. Van Product Owners tot Front-end Developers en van Agile Coaches tot Test Automation Engineers. Dat zorgt ervoor dat er altijd wel iemand is die het issue waar je nu tegenaan loopt al een keer is tegengekomen. Binnen InnSpire zijn altijd verschillende perspectieven en er is altijd een groep collega’s waarmee je kunt klankborden.
LOL en PLEZIER: We werken op basis van positiviteit. Want waarom zou je je werk niet een ervaring maken waar je met meer energie vertrekt dan binnenkomt? Daarom zorgen we ervoor dat lol en plezier een fundamenteel onderdeel zijn van onze designprincipes. Maatwerk training voor stoffige content? Dan maken we er een workshop van zodat je lekker bezig bent. Ook tijdens onze inspiratiemiddagen staan deze principes voorop. Daar weten Hugo, Wilfred en Maarten wel raad mee.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular INPROGRESS Sp. Z o.o. More information
Since 2007, INPROGRESS has been organizing professional project management training. The company also provides consulting services and the implementation of project management best practices. INPROGRESS specialises in Cabinet Office Best Management Practise.
Since 2010, thanks to an agreement signed with the UK-based APM Group Ltd., INPROGRESS has been conducting accredited training and examinations in the area of PRINCE2® methodology. INPROGRESS has been designated an Accredited Training Organisation (ATO) for PRINCE2®, M_o_R®, ITIL®, P3O®, MSP®, MoP®, AgilePM®, Change Management, OBASHI, ASL® BiSL® Service Analyst, Problem Analyst, Change Analyst, MoV®, Managing Benefits, Earned Value and Facilitation which entitles us to conduct accredited training that prepares participants for international qualification exams. Since 2014, in full growth INPROGRESS signed an agreement with the worldwide Examination Institute – EXIN.
Our company’s portfolio includes training in project management, as well as in techniques and tools used in project management (project risk management, methods and techniques for planning, budgeting of the projects, etc.). In addition, we offer training in the soft skills involved in project management, including team communication, team building, and motivating employees.
Poland’s Central Office of National Certification awarded us with a 2012 Company of the Year certificate. We also obtained a certificate of Reliable Company granted by Poland’s National Debt Register Economic Information Bureau, which reflects our continuing drive to maintain our high standards of service as well as our solid market position.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Internal Matters More information
Internal Matters provides the conditions for IT and non-IT people learn to:
- Apply lean and agile principles to the IT Value Stream.
- Work together as one team, create solutions and put these into practice.
- Fuse IT with business operations and strategies.
- Turn business needs into IT capabilities and services that provide value.
Creating hands-on experiences through Serious Games and Action Learning programs, customized to meet specific needs and learning objectives.
With our network of expertise we cover the essential topics for genuine Business IT Integration. Our programs are performed in English, German and Dutch.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations CarWorks™ The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action -
Regular IT Management Group More information
De IT Management Group is specialist op het gebied van de inrichting en optimalisatie van uw IT organisatie en projectorganisatie. Door middel van training, advies en tijdelijke detachering van onze deskundige IT specialisten, procesmanagers en projectmanagers ondersteunt de IT Management Group uw IT organisatie en projectorganisatie bij het beheren van uw informatiesystemen en bij het inrichten van uw projectorganisatie.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular IT Partners Treinamento Ltda More information
Ser o elo entre a transformação das organizações e a propagação do conhecimento.
Produção e fornecimento de soluções de consultoria e treinamento conectadas com o futuro.
Fomentar um canal de comunicação com todos os colaboradores e parceiros no sentido de buscar possibilidades criativas para melhorias.
•Fundada em dezembro de 2001 por executivos do mercado de TI, com experiências e vivências complementares, a IT Partners iniciou suas atividades em março de 2002.
•Uma empresa de Gestão de Projetos atuando em organizações de médio e grande porte através da aplicação de conhecimento e metodologia, focada no uso estratégico e planejado da tecnologia da informação aos processos de negócio.
•Composta por profissionais com experiência e vivência real em projetos que geraram resultados para as empresas em que atuaram.
Área de atuação e produtos por nível:
Pioneira na oferta de Consultoria em Governança e Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação, a IT Partners é reconhecida como referência em projetos de adoção e treinamento de ITIL® e pela expertise em COBIT. Atua de forma rápida e ágil, a partir de uma necessidade até a análise completa da estratégia de negócios de seus clientes.
A área de Serviços de Consultoria tem como foco ajudar nossos clientes a se adaptarem, com sucesso, às condições econômicas em constante mudança e a desenvolverem estratégias corporativas e tecnológicas que melhorem o retorno sobre seus investimentos.
Para atender de forma eficiente, as áreas de TI das empresas que buscam o aprimoramento constante de suas equipes, a divisão de treinamento da “IT Partners” desenvolve e aperfeiçoa continuamente metodologias capazes de assegurar a formação teórica e prática dos alunos. Acreditada pelas instituições internacionais, Axelos, ISACA, Exin e Peoplecert, já treinou mais de 10000 profissionais.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular ITCE More information
ITCE has dedicated the last two decades on helping enterprises transform their IT departments in providing high quality services to the business units and enable them to be more effective in their everyday work. We support enterprises throughout the whole life-cycle of their Digital Transformation journey – from organizational change, to requirements gathering, architecture design, implementation and training and adoption.
Our competence center of experts with highest qualifications for DevOps, Agile Project Management, Business Analysis, Service Management, Service Oriented Architecture, Cloud Solutions and ServiceNow is your trusted partner in driving results across your organization. Our training portfolio entails a variety of accredited and custom developed courses, management coaching programs, games, simulations and seminars aimed at providing organizations with knowledge in the most innovative forms and shapes based on the organizational needs. In partnership with ServiceNow, Microsoft, Global Knowledge and GamingWorks, ITCE is one of the leading providers of consulting and training services in the region, known for the high quality of its services and professionalism in the cooperation with clients and partners.
We have been trusted by some of the Europe’s largest enterprises in supporting them achieve their strategic business and IT goals.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular ITESM More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Fly4You - SAFe® Hollywood Dreams - SIAM CarGO - IT Service Management essentials The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular ITIL Ltd T/A Incite Insight More information
We are an IT transformation partner who work with IT leaders on change programmes, encompassing recruitment, training and consulting solutions that either combine or serve individually to help resolve perceived challenges, facilitate real change and / or elevate general IT maturity.
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular ITMEA More information
ITMEA/ITEgyptCorp are one of the main and largest IT professional services & Training providers firm in the Middle East & Africa Region. The company offers Portals, Microsoft, Oracle, EC Council Services and Training. We serve Financial Service firms, Educational institutions, Telecommunication, Oil & Gas Companies and Government in Egypt, the Middle East and Africa.
ITMEA based in UAE is the regional expansion in Middle East & African Area for ITEgyptCorp (based in Cairo Egypt) which will support and serve our augmenting number of clients in the region.
We are in the Professional & training business for more than 13 years now. Having more than 450 Enterprise customers in more than 15 countries in the MEA region.
Customers foot Print:
Now, Serving several sectors in the region with a successful business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Oman, Bahrain, Yemen, Qatar, and Jordan & UAE, etc…
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular ITSM More information
Resolving IT issues of any size and any kind, bringing Project Management virtue to Companies, training serious skills through games and more – you can ask for a complete IT Solution for a Company.
IT and Management consulting and trainings, CIOs and Project Managers for rent, adopting and adapting ITIL and tools, assessing and developing Project Management Offices (PMO), putting Project & Programme Management in order, making Companies more Agile and Lean, Planning and implementing serious Change Programmes.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular ITSM Academy More information
ITSM Academy is a female-owned small business, started in 2004. If you are looking for training for yourself, a small team, or a large group – we have options for you.
Our portfolio includes accredited and sustainable ITIL®, DevOps, Agile Service Management, Value Stream Mapping, Process Design (CPDE) and Employee Experience (XLA) training and education.
Our courses include GAME ON! an Interactive Learning Experience® and access to our innovative Learner Portal.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular ITSM CENTER d.o.o. More information
ITSM CENTER d.o.o. is a company with HQ in Slovenia but strategically positioned and recognized brand name in markets of South-Eastern Europe. Company is focusing on IT Service Management (ITSM), Project Management, Information Security Management, Agile, Cloud Computing and other best practice to ensure that clients reach their strategic goals in effective and efficient manner.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular ITSM Partner Consulting GmbH More information
ITSM Partner Consulting GmbH
Wir sind die Spezialisten für exzellentes Service Management.
Österreichs führende Service Provider setzen auf unsere seit 2003 akkreditierten ITIL® Trainings. Mit unserer Erfahrung, Begeisterung und Methodik bringen wir Organisationen auf Kurs. Sie vertrauen bei Prozessanalysen sowie organisatorischer und technischer Beratung für die Umsetzung ihrer Service Management Vorhaben auf unsere jahrzehntelange Erfahrung.Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular ITWinners CC More information
ITWinners is a strategic consultancy and training company which focuses on maximising value from your IT investments. Utilising decades of experience, we apply pragmatic and positive approaches to help public and private sector enterprises identify and then implement strategies that deliver real business benefits. This includes areas such as IT Governance, Business Relationship Management, Value Management, Performance Measurement, and Service Delivery.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action -
Regular JPC Group More information
John Custy is the Managing Consultant at JPC Group and has spent his career working in IT and service management organizations; providing a practical, pragmatic approach to service management by understanding it’s about the people and outcomes first, then the processes and finally the technology. He has been actively involved with assisting organizations improving the value their services provide – by working to help service providers understand it is about how their services impact outcomes. Mr. Custy has worked with all types of organizations and business units, from financial services to healthcare, pharmaceutical, Higher Ed., manufacturing, to non-profits and government agencies.
John is a well know educator and speaker on Service Management with specific expertise on Service Metrics and Analytics, Service Quality, Service Catalog Management, Knowledge Services, IT Financial Management and Problem Management.
John is an ITIL-certified Service Manager/Expert, KCS verified trainer/consultant, DevOps certified instructor, ISO9000 Internal Auditor, and an Exin/TUV and itSMF certified ISO/IEC 20000 Consultant. John has served on the HDI Strategic Advisory Board, is a member of the HDI Faculty, an HDI-Certified Auditor, and a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the HDI Individual Certification Standards. John is a Kepner-Tregoe (KT) certified instructor, an Exin Accredited trainer for ITIL, ITSM Professional based on ISO/IEC 2000 and Information Security Management based on ISO/IEC 27002, as well as an ITSM simulation facilitator for Grab@Pizza.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular K2Edge / Knowledge Squared Thinking Solutions LLC More information
We are a consulting and training company specializing in problem-solving, root-cause analysis, and best practice implementation. We provide certified training, implementation workshops, business simulations, and consulting services to companies that benefit from the use of information technology and related best practices.
Visit website of K2Edge / Knowledge Squared Thinking Solutions LLC
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Kambesaj More information
SAFe: Courses : Lean Portfolio Management, DevOps, Architect, Product Owner, and Scrum; SAFe for teams
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Fly4You - SAFe® The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management CarGO - IT Service Management essentials Hollywood Dreams - SIAM -
Regular KESS IT Consulting & Training More information
KEep it Simple and Stupid: Die KESS IT Consulting & Training ist ein Beratungs- und Schulungshaus, das exklusiv in den Bereichen des IT Service Managements und Information Security Managements tätig ist. Mittlere und große Unternehmen aller Branchen finden in der KESS IT Consulting & Training einen Partner, der gemeinsam mit Ihnen Best Practice (ITIL, COBIT), bewährte Standards (ISO/IEC 20000, ISO/IEC 27001) und insbesondere Umsetzungserfahrungen aus verschiedenen Projekten auf die speziellen Aufgabenstellungen Ihrer Organisation zu adaptieren und Sie in die Lage versetzt Ihr IT Management zu optimieren.
Die KESS IT Consulting & Training bietet ITIL Trainings über alle Zertifizierungsebenen und kombiniert diese unter anderem mit der Apollo 13 Simulation.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Kessel Pok SAS More information
Spanish version:
Kessel Pok es una empresa creada en Bogotá en Mayo del 2011 con el propósito de asesorar y acompañar a Organizaciones de TI en los aspectos estratégicos y tácticos de su alineación con el negocio, mediante la aplicación de marcos de buenas prácticas de TI y herramientas de gestión empresarial adaptadas al negocio de TI.
English version:
Kessel Pok is a firm founded in Bogotá in May 2011 with the purpose of advising and supporting IT Organizations in the strategic and tactical matters of its alignment to the business through the application of IT good practice frameworks and business management tools adapted to the business of IT.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) CarGO - IT Service Management essentials -
Regular Key Result B.V. More information
Key Result BV is een trainings- en adviesorganisatie gespecialiseerd in project- en programmamanagement op het vlak van informatievoorziening, automatisering en organisatieverandering
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Fly4You - SAFe® -
Regular Kip Fanta Group More information
The Kip Fanta Group was established to inspire and enable leaders at all levels, in addition to help Information Technology (IT) and all functional providers, both internal and external, become more strategic with their business partners. We provide multiple services, to include coaching, consulting, training, and speaking.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action -
Regular Kite ICT More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Kozama More information
KOZAMA est un cabinet de formation et de consultance aux bonnes pratiques IT tel qu’ITIL, DevOps, Prince2, ….
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular KPMG – India More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action -
Regular Kruso B.V. More information
Kruso is a Nordic tech agency with more than 20 years of experience strategizing, designing and building digital service applications and commerce platforms for international leading brands and large public organisations. With our focus on quality, business understanding and curiosity, we strive to ask the right questions – and always provide honest answers. We strongly believe that the value in bespoke digital solutions comes from building user-friendly front-ends that are integrated directly into business-critical solutions. We are about 120 hardworking specialists located in our offices in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Malmö, Göteborg, Stockholm, Amsterdam and Lviv.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Fly4You - SAFe® The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Lari Consulting Oy More information
Helping the customers to succeed with smart service management. Lari Consulting trains, advises and guides customers to successfully develop their capabilities in ITSM, DevOps and related domains.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action Fly4You - SAFe® The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Hollywood Dreams - SIAM MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Le Savoir-Faire ITIL SARL (LSFI) More information
LSFI is a firm specialised in certified trainings and consulting. We offer trainings and consulting in domains such as ITSM, Project management, Risk Management, Finances, Accounting, Quality, Environment and many more.
For this, we are partners with organisations such as Axelos, Quint Wellington Redwood, PeopleCert, Orbus, PECB, ORACLE.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Learning Expert Ltd. More information
Learning Expert Ltd. is a member of ExperienceIT Group, a network of partner companies offering capability development to service providers. We deliver individual, team and organizational development services, in the areas of service, project and risk management, customer experience and compliance. Services of ExperienceIT Group include blended development programs tailored to specific job roles in IT software or service companies; maturity assessment workshops in areas like agility, service, project or risk management; coaching for executives, professionals and teams; training courses on popular best practice frameworks like ITIL or PRINCE2 uniquely delivered using experiential learning methods; and organizational development consultancy.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular Loihde Advance Oy More information
Loihde – people first since 1882. We support your organization’s growth one step at a time by combining quality data, technology that support your goals, efficient process’ and your change readiness, optimized to your business needs.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps -
Regular m2i Formacion More information
m2i ensures that organizations reap the benefits of training their people by providing coaching, on-the-job support, and assistance to change management. m2i is your all-round supplier and one-stop training shop. Be it face-to-face “online live”, e-Learning, blended-learning, virtual classroom or COOC, m2i covers all the fields required by you organization: from agile transformation, IT technology, governance and best practices, to multimedia and interpersonal, commercial and management skills. The company has developed an important international expansion and is present in Spain, France, Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, República Dominicana, Chile, Brazil and the USA.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular MaC – Mansmann Agile Coachings More information
Harald Mansmann war viele Jahre für die Deutsche Lufthansa in verschiedenen Positionen der IT tätig. Der Spannungsbogen zwischen Technologie, Prozessen und Menschen aus Projekten wie, Flynet oder Rechenzentrum Budapest hat ihn über viele Jahre beschäftigt.
Neben seiner Rolle als Geschäftsführer der motec-data, ein Unternehmen für Softwareentwicklung innovativer Produkte, ist er Trainer, Coach, Consultant und Speaker in agilen Kontexten. Sein Schwerpunkt ist dabei die Entwicklung von Menschen und Abläufen durch Coaching und Consulting, damit angestrebte Veränderungen einer “Agilen Transformation” in einer “Nicht-Agilen” Welt funktionieren kann.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) Fly4You - SAFe® -
Regular Managed By Design More information
Cybersecurity and IT service management consulting and training.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Manasse Training en Coaching More information
Training and coaching in personal development, communication skills and Service Management (ITIL). Apollo 13 and ABC@work facilitator.
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Mangopicking (Prozess Group) More information
We are a boutique consultant dedicated to continuous improvement with a systematic approach, based on the knowledge of people and culture organizational. We seek to support changes with meaning, achieving a process of sustained delivery of solutions tailored to the needs specific to each client.
Mangopicking is a brand of Prozess Group
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) -
Regular Masters Consulting More information
Wir sind eine IT-Unternehmensberatung, die sich auf alle Beratungsleistungen zum Thema IT Service Management nach ITIL spezialisiert hat. Mitte 2001 gegrundet, sind wir eines der ersten Beratungsunternehmen in Deutschland, das sich schwerpunktma?ig mit dem Thema IT Service Management befasst.
Unser Anspruch ist hoch: wir konzipieren nicht nur Ihre IT-Prozesse, sondern fuhren sie auch vollstandig und mit allen zugehorigen Tools ein. Wir kooperieren mit spezialisierten Partnerunternehmen und bundeln damit Expertenwissen aus allen relevanten Bereichen.Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular Meriroos OÜ More information
We offer accredited ITIL, DASA DevOps and LITA Lean IT training courses. Courses are mostly public classroom trainings and working languages are Estonian, Russian and English. Our courseware and instructors meet all accreditation standards to provide you best service.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations CarWorks™ -
Regular Mindbridge OÜ More information
Professional training and management consultancy
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Mindstream Sp. z o.o. More information
Mindstream mission is to move clients’ hearts and minds in a way that will help them tap into all their potential.
Mindstream strategy is to occupy a leading position, in terms of its size and scale of activities, in the project management training and consulting market, by offering excellent and bespoke organizational development services.
Let’s work together!
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular Modifica More information
Independent Agile, Lean & DevOps transformation consultant & coach
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Fly4You - SAFe® Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Mwasuki Technologies Limited More information
Best practice consultancy and Training in IT Service Management, Business Process Re-engineering, Cyber Resilience and Project Management.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular Neeedle More information
NEEEDLE has first-hand experience leading large organizations through the DevOps and Continuous Delivery transformation. NEEEDLE provides the training and services companies need to successfully harness DevOps and Continuous Delivery as a self-organizing force that becomes part of a company’s product development culture.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular NEG-ITSolutions More information
Op zoek naar een ervaren (sparring)partner voor uw IT-organisatie en uw informatievoorziening?
NEG-ITSolutions biedt zowel het theoretische kader van de ‘best practises’ als de praktische ervaring en vakkennis op gebied van IT Service Management, Project Management en Business IT Alignment (BITA).
Business simulations/Management games zoals die van GamingWorks zijn bij uitstek geschikt om bewustwording te genereren en zijn vaak onderdeel van een veranderprogramma. Ze helpen de deelnemers de kritische succesfactoren te zien, te voelen en te ervaren die nodig zijn om hun organisaties succesvol te transformeren. Een ‘experience’ die het feitelijke gedrag ontsluit en daarmee ook inzicht geeft hoe het anders kan.
Of het nu gaat om advies in relatie tot uw IT-organisatie of ondersteuning op uw locatie of het inrichten/implementeren en beheren van uw ICT-omgeving, NEG-ITSolutions zorgt met een team van specialisten voor een zorgeloze en toekomstvaste IT-omgeving. Dit vanuit de invalshoeken: People, Process, Product & Partners.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Nitor More information
Nitor – Digital Engineering
Nitor is an independent software company. We create systems that are critical for the business and success of our clients. This may sound boring, but once the performance of our work is measured in terms of money, our customers generally start to view us as a fun partner indeed.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps Fly4You - SAFe® -
Regular Nitor Sweden More information
Nitor – Digital Engineering
Nitor is an independent software company. We create systems that are critical for the business and success of our clients. This may sound boring, but once the performance of our work is measured in terms of money, our customers generally start to view us as a fun partner indeed.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps -
Regular Octopus Learning More information
Octopus Learning is dedicated to “Make IT work 4U” by facilitating Gamingworks business simulations to achieve improvements in either Organisation, Culture, use of Tooling and Technique, Operations, Processes, U (yourself) and Services (such as Security, SLA, and more).
Over the years Octopus Learning (and its predecessors) have done approx. 300 Apollo13 Business Simulations, hence been involved of some 3000 or more individuals making a start with their change – whatever change that might be!
Our expertise goes beyond this Apollo13 Business Simulation. We have experienced facilitators in Grab@Pizza, The Phoenix Project and Ocean’s 99.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular OGD ict-diensten More information
OGD levert ict-diensten op het gebied van infrastructuur, end-user management, security en software-ontwikkeling aan klanten in alle economische sectoren. Dat doen wij in de vorm van uitbesteden, projecten, advies en tijdelijke inzet van personeel. Als Microsoft Certified Gold Partner vertegenwoordigen wij het hoogste niveau van competentie en ervaring met Microsoft-technologieën. Onze klanten roemen de flexibiliteit, inventiviteit, vriendelijke prijsstelling en informele organisatie van OGD. De OGD-cultuur van kennis delen en vernieuwen zorgt dat wij al sinds 1988 hoogwaardige ict-oplossingen bieden.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular Olingo Consulting AB More information
Olingo is Sweden’s leading provider of consulting and training services within the fields of IT management and IT Service Management. With a customer satisfaction rating of 4.8 of 5 their experienced consultants and trainers provide high quality training services within areas such as DevOps, ITIL and IT strategy.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Onbird Services More information
As the leading provider of Business Simulations since 2009 in the Nordic region we provide expertise within Agile, Scaled Agile, DevOps, Lean IT and IT Service Management. And we really like running simulation games with customers because of the impact they can provide in driving change and development of our customers organization.
Contact Onbird at:
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management CarWorks™ -
Regular P3 Automotive GmbH More information
Since 1996 we have been providing consulting and management services in the European automotive and supplier industry. From the board of directors in DAX companies to the technology sectors.
Especially in the areas of strategy, reorganization and technology consulting as well as agile transformations. The strength of implementation of P3 guarantees that strategy consulting does not end with the strategy, but that programs of measures are actually understood and employees empowered. Our many years of experience, the customer network and our cross-sector expertise help us to do this. However, what makes P3 Automotive so unique is our extremely deep understanding of the automotive industry and its products, their organizational forms, cultural characteristics and market requirements.Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Fly4You - SAFe® -
Regular Partners4Innovation s.r.l. More information
Advisory company focused on ICT related issues and strategic consultancy.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Peopleteam More information
Many companies struggle with process circumvention, bottle-necks and less-than-optimal performance.
Peopleteam helps you create and anchor your own processes in a practical and hands-on manner.
Experienced and accredited ITIL training provider and GamingWorks game leader since 2007 makes up for a strong cocktail of theory turned into practice through training, workshops and simulation games.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) CarGO - IT Service Management essentials -
Regular Pepper Group More information
Pepper Group…is a company that…
• Provides consultancy• Proposes coaching• Trains people• Provides certification exams and training materials to its partners• Facilitates Serious GamesWe do this…
• Everywhere in the world• On your premises, on distance or wherever you need• In various languages (English, French, Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic)• With enthusiasm and a big smile• Using our experience, knowledge and networkWe are…
• Human size• Eager• Result focused• Flexible• Based in FranceCertified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Perfact Group More information
Perfact Group helps manufacturing companies to achieve optimum performance. We focus on technology, organization, and processes, yet we keep the bigger picture firmly in sight.
We have the following Plantperformance Expertise Centers
A turnaround and projectmanagement knowledge component that focuses on limiting costs and production losses, and achieving defined targets while satisfying the requirements of HSEQ.
A specialized organization and technology knowledge component for maintenance, asset utilization, production, and HSEQ.
Process Control
An automation and implementation knowledge component that focuses on the links between technical plant status, process status, and management systems.
Recruitment and secondment of professional and motivated technical staff for temporary or permanent positions.
Learning via the Perfact Academy
The knowledge of all 120 employees together in one Project Management Office. From this PMO are training courses offered in the areas of plant performance. Despite all technology is ultimately the role of men indispensable if you want plants running at peak performance. Knowledge sharing is therefore a core value of Perfact Group
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular Philippa Hale & Associates Ltd More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Pholsiri Consults & Services More information
The Professional IT Consults & Training. We are a professional Training and Consulting company, more than 20 years of experience in Project Management, IT Service Management.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular Pink Elephant S.A. de C.V. Mexico More information
Pink Elephant – Leading The Way In IT Management Best Practices
Pink Elephant is proud to be celebrating 20 years of ITIL® experience. Operating through many offices across the globe, the company is the world’s #1 supplier of ITIL and ITSM conferences, education and consulting services. To date, close to 200,000 IT professionals have benefited from Pink Elephant’s expertise. Pink Elephant has been championing the growth of ITIL worldwide since its inception in 1989 – longer than any other supplier – and was selected as an international expert to contribute to the ITIL V3 project – as authors of V3’s Continual Service Improvement book and through representation on the International Exam PanelCertified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) Fly4You - SAFe® CarGO - IT Service Management essentials Hollywood Dreams - SIAM The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular Pink Elephant South Africa IT Management (Pty) Ltd More information
Pink Elephant is known as the trusted leader and authority in IT Service Management globally.
We offer unique solutions in Training, Consulting, Automation, and Managed IT Support, that assists our clients to better manage their IT Services through industry best practice. With almost 40 years of experience in the international ITSM field and over a decade locally in South Africa, we’ve helped over 250,000 IT professionals with our expertise worldwide.
Thanks to this global footprint, we can easily support our customer’s business excellence needs. We boast a comprehensive portfolio of IT best practice training programs, simulations and internationally recognized certifications including ITIL, AGILE, COBIT, SDI, and PRINCE2.
Our world-class consultants are specifically trained to adapt, adopt, and combine frameworks to fit your company’s unique IT Management or Governance needs. Sharing our years of hard-earned knowledge and real-world experience, all to help you achieve your goals. We also offer carefully chosen industry-leading technology solutions that bring designed processes to life while supporting Managed Service Centers internally. From Freshworks & Servicely to Specops, Beyond Trust and more, we’ve got your automation needs covered.
The Pink Elephant Service Centre builds on our track record in Service Management in order to deliver exceptional skills and customer service for our global customers. Underpinned by global leading technologies, guaranteed data and voice network availability, we assist in resolving issues specifically related to the Service Desk and its’ associated people and process challenges. We help our customer function more seamlessly while bringing to light the full value of your IT Service offerings.
Visit website of Pink Elephant South Africa IT Management (Pty) Ltd
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular PM-Partners More information
Driving business agility and performance
Business and government departments of all sizes are having to overhaul old business models, systems and ingrained ways of working. This leads to increasing levels of disruptive change and ambitious strategies that challenge conventional thinking.
For over 20 years the PM-Partners group have worked with private and public sector organisations to run projects, programmes and PMOs or provide the advice and support needed to help run them better.
Our experienced people provide Resourcing, Delivery, Advisory and Capability services, supported by our long-term investment in tools, assets and solutions.
Established over 20 years, 350 people, client project portfolio over $3B, train and certify 9500+ professionals each year, advise and support agile and PMO environments for Australia’s leading organisations and government departments.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular PPP Partners More information
PPP Partners is an IT Consulting company based in Thailand, focusing on Projects, Programs and Portfolio management, implementation of Microsoft Project Server and IT Service Management training and consulting.
Connect with us here:
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Promista B.V. More information
Promista is een no nonsens bedrijf met een klantgerichte aanpak waarin wij organisaties ondersteunen met het op een praktische wijze professionaliseren van projectmanagement. Dit doen wij met de volgende diensten:
Advies bij de implementatie van Projectmanagement methodes en Projectmanagement software.
Trainingen en workshops.
Resourcing: werving & selectie en detachering van programmamanager tot projectsupport medewerkers.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Greatest Move™ Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action -
Regular PROTRAINING LLC More information
PROTRAINING (A UAE training institute) provides development in the following areas and more:
- Leadership
- Team building
- Sales & Negotiation Skills Development
- Supervisory Skills Development
- Finance for Non-Finance
- Project Management
- Communication & Presentation Skills
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular Radiant Management en Advies b.v. More information
Radiant Management en Advies is a one person company of Henk Zwetsloot. For work experience see
The company offers interim management for IT departments and also other areas than IT. Focus of interim assignments should be on introducing agility in departments and teams. The company can give advise in this area and offers training ITS Management, Marslander of GamingWorks or other games.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Ranger4 Limited More information
Ranger4 is a DevOps Transformation specialist. Our organisational ‘why’ is that we’re fanatical about making life on earth fantastic. We use DevOps principles drawn from the evolution and convergence of Agile, Lean and ITSM to help other organisations improve their working environments.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular RGF Staffing Belgium More information
RGF Staffing Belgium maakt deel uit van de internationale speler RGF Staffing één van ‘s werelds grootste HR-dienstverleners die actief is in Australië, Azië, Europa en Noord-Amerika.
Een job is meer dan een middel om geld te verdienen.
Het gaat om het verbinden van kandidaten en bedrijven en opportuniteiten creëren voor alle betrokkenen.
We dragen bij aan de waarden van onze stakeholders door in te zetten op passie, de wereld te verrassen en sociale meerwaarde voorop te stellen.
RGF Staffing Belgium creëert opportuniteiten voor het leven: voor werknemers, bedrijven, overheden en de gehele samenleving.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular RightStar Systems More information
RightStar Systems is a leading provider of ITIL®-based IT service management solutions for mid-size and enterprise organizations; federal, state, and local government agencies; and educational institutions. As an Elite BMC Software Solution Partner, RightStar provides consulting, design, and implementation services for BMC Service Support, Service Assurance, Service Automation, and Governance products. As a complement to these services, RightStar offers on-site ITIL® assessments, providing strategic roadmaps for delivering services to the business more cost-effectively, accredited ITIL® Certification training, and a specialized line of RightStar software products that add essential functionality to your IT service management system.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular S0l1D Heroes More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Sanssouci-ITSM GmbH More information
Sanssouci-ITSM is one of the leading companies in Germany combining experienced IT-Service Management consulting and training with practical agile know-how. Our approach focusses on implementable Service Management practices instead of formalized documentary should-be elaborations.
We’re a young company with fresh ideas to straighten the way of with future evolvement of IT organizations becoming real service providers in a more and more digitalized business environment.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular Sapience Consulting Pte Ltd More information
Sapience Consulting is one of Asiapacific’s leading IT Consultancy and Training organisation. Headquartered in the Republic of Singapore but with office and partner locations throughout Asiapacific, Sapience has helped clients achieve organisational excellence across the region. Focusing on the three main concerns of IT, Sapience’s consultants helps our clients focus on the usual IT pain points of IT Governance, Security Management and Project Management. We are practitioners first then educators. When we educate we prefer to facilitate rather than instruct. Simulations are a powerful tool that we use to achieve understanding and the ability to relate concepts to real life situations. We are a company that takes pride in winning business through open competition and superior quality services. We continue to strive to provide the highest quality consulting and education products that help the service management professional, and service provider organizations achieve service excellence.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Greatest Move™ The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular SCRUM Ukraine More information
Our services – from trainings on Lean, Agile, Scrum to supporting Agile transformations.
Over the past ten years, we have seen with our own eyes how Scrum and similar flexible team approaches to the organization of companies and business modernization work successfully in practice. We want more people to enjoy the work and participation in the creation of first-class products and services.
Our services include:
- Agile transformations
- Scrum team coaching
- Corporate trainings
- Scrum Alliance certifications
- Training on Lean, Agile and Scrum
- Coaching of Large-Scale Scrum
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Service Culture Consulting More information
Service Culture Consulting is a company focused on introduction of business service management, optimizing and automatization of service and risk management structures. Furthermore we support organizational change and development of individuals as well as teams to excel in their service culture.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Service Management Center of Excellence (SMCE) Fz-LLC More information
Service Management Center of Excellence (SMCE) is a regional organization dedicated to the promotion of a culture of Service Excellence in public and private sectors. To achieve its stated goals, SMCE has aligned with leading local and international authorities in order to accelerate knowledge transfer and build local expertise in the areas of Technology and Management.
The center is devoted to the development of the strategies, techniques, principles and practices of excellence that will enhance individual and organizational performance, and further the advancement and maturity of IT industry in the region.
Visit website of Service Management Center of Excellence (SMCE) Fz-LLC
Contact Service Management Center of Excellence (SMCE) Fz-LLC
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Service Mandate bvba More information
With its service management approach Service Mandate helps IT-service providers to flourish in the current world of ongoing change.
We give pragmatic guidance to service providers who are offering IT-enabled services in the actual digital economy.Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular SERVIEW UK More information
SERVIEW is the independent management consultancy that is specialised in optimising service organisations on the basis of recognised best management practises.
We provide consulting and training services for people and organisations to help them build tailored competencies. Our position as market leader, expertise and pursuit of genuine partnerships is valued very highly by our national and international clients. Professionalism, integrity, the human element and passion form the basis of our daily business. These values enable us to support our clients in overcoming their challenges and strengthening their competitiveness.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Ocean's 99™ - Cyber Security and Resilience Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Servitect More information
De ISM-methode is een sterk aan populariteit winnend servicegericht framework voor IT-beheer met een aansluitende implementatiemethode en support. ISM is afgeleid van ITIL en ASL maar onderscheidt zich door structuur, eenvoud en toepasbaarheid, en met name omdat ISM geen referentiemodel is maar een toepassingsmodel.
Een groot aantal organisaties in Nederland werkt op identieke wijze met het sterk gestandaardiseerde ISM-framework. De combinatie van framework, implementatiemethode en support leidt tot snelle invoering en aantoonbaar succesvolle toepassingen.
Als u procesmatig gaat werken, dan is ISM voor u de oplossing.
GamingWorks en Servitect hebben samen een specifieke variant van Apollo 13 ontwikkeld, gericht op de ISM-methode en het ISM-procesmodel.
Meer informatie over ISM treft u op http://www.ismportal.nlCertified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Apollo 13 - ISM™ -
Regular SkillCube Pvt. Ltd. More information
Our Vision
- SkillCube aspires to be a leader in providing niche skill Development Programs & associated services to Students, Academicians & Industry professionals through engaging & value-based training pedagogy
Brief about SkillCube
- SkillCube has been established with the aim of endowing to the students, academicians and corporate executives from different sectors the skills that are required in their respective domains through experiential and application based learning programs. It is focused on bringing about a positive change in the current training system by providing cost effective skill development programs that complement the theoretical knowledge acquired by them with industry specific skills.
SkillCube promises to deliver Real Skills & Real Value to its target audience by packaging innovative services which aims at bringing immense career growth.
Regular SLTN Inter Access More information
SLTN Inter Access ontzorgt ICT. Met specialisaties zoals architectuur, integratie- en migratieprojecten, managed services, cloud diensten, application services en detachering is SLTN Inter Access bij uitstek uw partner in ICT. Alle door SLTN Inter Access geleverde diensten kenmerken zich door Kwaliteit, Passie en Innovatie.
SLTN Inter Access is één van de grotere niet-beursgenoteerde ondernemingen met ruim 700 hoog opgeleide en ervaren medewerkers, en heeft ruim 1.400 nationale en internationale klanten, verdeeld over de primaire segmenten education, finance, government en healthcare. Daarnaast heeft SLTN Inter Access de hoogste levels van partnerships met ‘s werelds meest gerenommeerde ICT fabrikanten.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Apollo 13 - ISM™ -
Regular Smalley.IT More information
Mark Smalley is a widely-experienced and well-connected consultant / facilitator / trainer with a focus on helping people derive more business value from their IT investments.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular SmartUpswing More information
The world is getting faster and more complex, so we need a new way of working, a way that creates alignment around purpose, that takes out bureaucracy and that truly empowers people to make decisions faster.
We will help you build a high performing culture, to achieve a high degree of cooperation both within teams and across former silos, using failure as an opportunity to learn, and continually experimenting to drive improvement.
This digital culture requires a shift from a hero culture to a learning culture, from Management & Control to Self-Organisation & Mission control.
Give us a call today to set up your first consultation.Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Sogeti More information
Vakmanschap en betrokkenheid.
Dat is wat onze klanten belangrijk vinden en dat is precies wat u van Sogeti kunt verwachten.
Onze professionals leggen de lat altijd hoog.
Vooral als het gaat om kwaliteit, vakbekwaamheid en leveren volgens afspraak. Vandaar ook dat we internationaal al jaren als toonaangevend worden gezien.
IT zit ons in het bloed en dienstverlening is onze passie.
Ons doel is pas bereikt als wij echt het verschil hebben kunnen maken en u, ook na jaren nog steeds, tevreden bent.
Wij geloven dat IT er is om:
- de samenleving eenvoudiger te maken
- ondernemingen veerkrachtiger en succesvoller te maken
- oplossingen te bieden aan milieuvraagstukken
- iedereen meer gelijke kansen te bieden.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Fly4You - SAFe® -
Regular Sogeti USA More information
We are an IT services company delivering business value through industrialized solutions with sector expertise–one client at a time.
With over 45 years of experience, Sogeti offers a comprehensive portfolio of services including Business Intelligence & Analytics, Cloud Services, Digital Transformation, Product Lifecycle Management, Software Development & Integration, and Testing.
At the heart of our team is a passion for technology and people. Armed with our comprehensive, standard-defining portfolio of solutions, and hyper-focused, client-centric model, we leverage cutting-edge technology to deliver innovative results and best-in-class service to our clients.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Solidify AB More information
We are a high end consulting firm specialising in DevOps and agile transformations. We help customer achieve better software faster through changes in processes, mindset and tools.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular SOLVVision GmbH More information
(IT) Management Consulting
Strategy, Organisation, Processes, IT Service Management, Enterprise Service Management, Digitalisation
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular StarAgile Consulting Private Limited More information
Founded in 2016, StarAgile has become a leading pioneer in Training, Consulting and Professional Certifications for Fortune 500 companies.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management Fly4You - SAFe® -
Regular State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Steria IT Service Management consulting More information
Steria IT Service Management consulting
ITIL-accredited, our service management consultants provide expertise in service delivery, service support, application management and the implementation and use of Service Management best practices.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Stone Door Group More information
Stone Door Group is 100% focused on delivering certified experienced instructors to teach your classes. Unlike traditional business partners, we don’t sell training and we don’t compete with you. Our only incentive is to provide you with valuable training outcomes in your classroom to your students.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Suerte Advies & Training BV More information
Suerte, est.2002, has been involved in Service Management Leadership and focusses on excellent service delivery by organisational development. Our mission is to help IT management in improving Service Delivery performance by building people,s change and improvement,s capacity. The role we take is based on the challenge at hand. Interim manager, project manager, trainer, facilitator or coach. Based on the required intervention we put our experience, skills and passion for performance and people to find the lever for succes.
We are based in Holland and have subsidiaries in Finland and Spain.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular SY:DE consulting GmbH More information
We support our customers on their ongoing journey towards a better use of information technology, sharing our deep business and IT management expertise and experience with your staff. Enabling people to improve and finally achieve excellence in their work is what we strive for.
Possible areas of involvement in your projects include:
- Analysis and Improvement of IT/Business alignment
- Review / Evaluation of System architectures as well as the development and operations process
- Introduction and improvement of Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM)
- Coaching of IT managers and learning interventions for teams
Project Delivery
- Requirements and business engineering
- Systems architecture and Design
- Process analysis and improvement
Educational services
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Symphera s.r.o. More information
Symphera is a Training and Consultancy Company focusing on Project Management.
We bring experience to our customers. This experience is combined with the world-wide recognized standards and best practice. We constantly explore the better way in delivering projects and mastering the ways of teaching it.
Thus we can proudly offer Project Managers, who can train or Trainers, who can mange projects. We follow the leading standards (e.g. Prince2TM, PMI, MSP, …), have deep expertise in the field, strong partnership with the leading training organization, business insight and track record.
Our strength lies then in offering whole solution to our clients rather than just a training
or consultancy.Symphera is based in Prague, Czech Republic, but is also helping its customers in Slovakia, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium. To respond to the complex demand, we are constantly extending our range of offerings.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular Symphonise Consulting (Pty) Ltd More information
Symphonise Consulting offers IT Management Consulting services and a variety of accredited IT Service Management & Project Management training courses. Using simulations in our training bootcamps gives participants an opportunity to practically apply their new knowledge.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations CarGO - IT Service Management essentials The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular Sysop Ltd. More information
True to its position as a true Service Management organisation, SYSOP is proud to offer probably the most comprehensive range available of ITIL training and professional services.
Almost everyone knows the story of Apollo 13. Indeed it was made into a highly successful film starring Tom Hanks as Jim Lovell the mission commander. It illustrates how human ingenuity and carefully thought-out processes can be used, in even the most challenging of circumstances, to deliver success.
Our service management consultants have built on this to successfully implement service management disciplines and practices in a number of organisations in the public and private sectors, resulting in improved availability and reliability of their IT services.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Számalk Zrt. More information
SZÁMALK is one of the longest existing education providers in Hungary. Its history is back to more than 30 years when an enthusiastic computer professional founded an institute for teaching others to these new technologies. Based on the proud history SZÁMALK was always famous for introducing and teaching the latest and most up-to-date technology trends to the Hungarian market. We can say that a generation of IT professionals grown up with SZÁMALK.
Today SZÁMALK is a broadband training provider, offering local and international IT, economics, management and soft skills training, course development, advanced courses and examination to technician and professional level. Our goal is to provide education for a wide range of customers, from the public sector to local enterprises and international providers. Based on this strategy we can offer those courses and trainings to our customers what they need most, starting with softskills through IT management to deep technical courses.
We have found that more and more corporations struggle with coping the challenges how to provide fast, effective and highly reliable services to their customers. Business simulations or gamification in general helps them to achieve this in a “sugar-coated” way. It seems like a game but this game is for life. Come and experience it with us!
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Greatest Move™ -
Regular Tadafur Information Technology More information
TADAFUR is a joint group of experts and leading e-Government technology providers. TADAFUR’s main objective is to support governments and public administrations in the middle east to master the e-Government based transformation with excellence.
TADAFUR are committed to bring top notch e-Government solutions, knowledge and expertise to the middle east region. It has engaged in collaborations with top research bodies, leading e-Government technology providers and a wide network of top experts in the field.
Our commitment and exclusive focus is to support the government in modernizing their services, processes and information systems in a more and more interconnected world.
Regular Tata Consulting Services More information
Businesses, today, need to respond to the rapidly changing market conditions with innovation and agility. Staying ahead of that change and achieving long-term success requires ongoing business transformation.
TCS’ Consulting provides best-in-class knowledge, innovation and services to help global enterprises successfully transform the way they do business.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular TaUB Solutions LLC More information
TaUB Solutions, is a Gamification, Consulting and Training company, with offices at United States, Singapore and India. The Motto of TaUB is to take you beyond your current state to the envisioned future state model seamlessly and become a trusted advisor and partner in achieving your strategic business outcomes.
Organizations to transform in Digital Disruptions should start with their strength – “Its people”. We believe gamification / serious games / business simulation is the best way to influence culture, attitude and behaviour. We provide Assessment, Training, Consulting and Implementation services on BRM, DevOps, Agile, ITSM, and Cyber Security.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Phoenix Project - DevOps CarWorks™ MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular TaUB Solutions LLP More information
TaUB Solutions, is a Gamification, Consulting and Training company, with offices at United States, Singapore and India. The Motto of TaUB is to take you beyond your current state to the envisioned future state model seamlessly and become a trusted advisor and partner in achieving your strategic business outcomes.
Organizations to transform in Digital Disruptions should start with their strength – “Its people”. We believe gamification / serious games / business simulation is the best way to influence culture, attitude and behaviour. We provide Assessment, Training, Consulting and Implementation services on BRM, DevOps, Agile, ITSM, and Cyber Security.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management CarWorks™ MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular TaUB Solutions Pte Ltd More information
TaUB Solutions, is a Gamification, Consulting and Training company, with offices at United States, Singapore and India. The Motto of TaUB is to take you beyond your current state to the envisioned future state model seamlessly and become a trusted advisor and partner in achieving your strategic business outcomes.
Organizations to transform in Digital Disruptions should start with their strength – “Its people”. We believe gamification / serious games / business simulation is the best way to influence culture, attitude and behaviour. We provide Assessment, Training, Consulting and Implementation services on BRM, DevOps, Agile, ITSM, and Cyber Security.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action CarWorks™ MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) -
Regular TAYLLORCOX More information
We are enthusiastic about ensuring our best practice simulations are of the highest quality using interactive exercises to cater for different learning styles and reinforce learning.
Our Best Practice workshops can only bring modern techniques and methods to our clients if we, as an organisation, keep learning ourselves.
We therefore continuously research new ideas and concepts with hands on approach and encourage our clients to do the same.
Learning needn’t be a dry and boring experience. We inject fun into our courses as we believe it makes them more effective.Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular TechnoLava LLC More information
TechnoLava is an IT Consulting, Training and Solutions company that is focused on IT Service Management and IT Architecture and Application Development with expertise in the DevOps and Cloud Computing market. TechnoLava provides Full Lifecycle Development, to include Requirements Analysis, Process and Workflow development and design and implementation of the solution. Focusing on your strategic business goals, TechnoLava’s experienced team can help you define your operational needs and successfully design and deploy secure, reliable management solutions. TechnoLava has ServiceNow certified and highly experienced engineers for your implementation and customization requirements. For more detailed information about our capabilities, please visit
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Tecnitia More information
Tecnitia es una compañía especializada en servicios de nube y pago por uso, con servicios de valor agregado alrededor de estos conceptos (consultoría especializada, servicios de modelaje de solución, entrenamiento y acompañamiento en la implementación de la nube y de metodologías satélites como DevOps, ITSM o Agile).
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Tecnitia IT Solutions SAS More information
Tecnitia es una compañía especializada en servicios de nube y pago por uso, con servicios de valor agregado alrededor de estos conceptos (consultoría especializada, servicios de modelaje de solución, entrenamiento y acompañamiento en la implementación de la nube y de metodologías satélites como DevOps, ITSM o Agile).
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Tecnitia Worldwide S.L. More information
Tecnitia es una compañía especializada en servicios de nube y pago por uso, con servicios de valor agregado alrededor de estos conceptos (consultoría especializada, servicios de modelaje de solución, entrenamiento y acompañamiento en la implementación de la nube y de metodologías satélites como DevOps, ITSM o Agile).
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular TecnoFor More information
TecnoFor is technology-based consulting firm with focus on process automation
We are specialized in strategic transformation and processes optimization, through solutions that combine consulting, training and tools.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management The Challenge of Egypt - Agile Project Management -
Regular TEKsystems Global Services, LLC More information
TEKsystems provides project-based, managed and outsourcing IT services in Applications, Network Infrastructure and Learning Solutions. We deliver quality IT outcomes and results while leveraging a large network of experienced IT professionals through our well-established staffing practice. TEKsystems Global Services® employs 3,000 resources globally and we deliver 600+ successful projects annually for clients based in North America, Europe and Asia. We deliver our services either on client premise or from one or more of our solution centers located in Baltimore, Dallas, Montreal, Hyderabad and Bangalore.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Thane Consulting More information
Thane Consulting is a boutique DevOps consulting and training firm for start-ups and enterprises.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular The Agile Advisor Nigeria More information
The Agile Advisor is a consulting and training organization which offers various workshops and certifications including but not limited to: Agile methodology workshops, all SAFe certifications, certified SCRUM Master, certified SCRUM Product Owner, Agile coach training, Team Kanban Practitioner certification, Agile Project Management, ICAgile facilitation, Estimated workshop, Agile Team training, Agile Tool training and private- public- online training.
Regular The Captains More information
Consulting company within finance
Controlling – Analysis – Treasurey – Project management
Temporary and permanent support
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular The ITSM Hub Pty Ltd More information
The ITSM Hub is an Australian owned and operated IT and Business Service Management training and professional services company, specialising in the ITIL service management framework and related service management standards, frameworks and disciplines. Our mission is to provide high quality and cost-effective training, knowledge transfer and consulting assistance to enable organisations in Australia to obtain better business value from their use of business and IT services.
The leadership team are highly experienced service management professionals, each with over a decade of senior management experience in IT and business service management, training, and consulting services provision. We are the exclusive Australian partner of Pink Elephant, a recognised world leader in service management best practice consulting and training services.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander - Next generation IT Service Management (online) Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular ThinkQuality Soluciones de Gestión Cia. Ltda. More information
JPCONSULTOR ( Juan Carlos Piñuela Consultants ) was founded more than 15 years of experience, we have developed independently appraisal and development projects leveraged Organizational Information Technologies and management models to recognized organizations at national and international level which has him allowed to investigate multiple companies ; JPCONSULTOR since 2013 evolves THINKQUALITY CIA. LTDA. , A company that has assembled a team of top professionals to structure and develop projects for assessment and institutional improvement leveraged in training and specialized software.
Visit website of ThinkQuality Soluciones de Gestión Cia. Ltda.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Greatest Move™ -
Regular Tigra Consulting Ltd More information
Tigra Consulting Ltd. is a young and dynamic IT & management consulting firm in Wellington, New Zealand. We provide consulting, training, coaching and mentoring for teams and their managers, including executive management.
Our focus is on helping people in various roles get optimal value from modern ways of working by providing sound guidance on both individual growth and development of the organisational systems they operate in.
Integrity and fairness are our core values, and we work with our customers in a trusted relationship. We strongly believe that happiness at work is critical to make magic happen.
Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Timm Rüger IT Consulting EOOD More information
Timm Rüger IT Consulting provides training, consulting and implementation services in the area of information and service management. With our broad methodological know-how and in-depth technical expertise we help our customers to combine data together, make better decisions and provide quality services.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management -
Regular Trigono More information
Sinds 1996 heeft Trigono brede ervaring opgebouwd in het werkveld van IT Service Management. Sinds 2002 is daar persoonlijke coaching aan toegevoegd. Service Management samen met professionele coachvaardigheden is een bijzondere en ook krachtige combinatie. Service Management is verandermanagement. Trigono besteedt, naast de procesinhoudelijke kant, zeer veel aandacht aan de mensfactor gedurende een IT Service Management traject. In de visie van Trigono is dat de sleutel voor succes!
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular Valcon Consulting More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Van Aetsveld BV More information
De professionals bij Van Aetsveld werken vanuit de visie dat iedere organisatie het in zich heeft om gestelde doelen te bereiken. Het is onze kunst om de daarvoor benodigde interne slagkracht te mobiliseren. Van Aetsveld is gespecialiseerd in verandermanagement en projectmanagement en wij richten ons op grote en middelgrote organisaties waar projectmatige veranderingen plaatsvinden. Dit kunnen procesgerichte veranderingen zijn, maar ook veranderingen in de houding van mensen of de cultuur van de organisatie. Dit doen wij door middel van het geven van adviezen, het inzetten van ervaren projectmanagers en het verzorgen van trainingen en workshops.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management -
Regular Van Herpen Impact Consultancy More information
Independent Agile, Lean & DevOps transformation consultant, coach & trainer. Firestarter, inspirator, practitioner, enabler, facilitator. Helping organizations in their Enterprise Agility & DevOps journeys.
Worked for 50+ (inter)national customers, including Heineken, Bosch, BMW, Philips, KLM, NS, Emirates, APG, Rabobank, Rijkswaterstaat, and many more.
Specialities include Enterprise Agility, Agile Portfolio Management, Agile Operations & Service Management, SAFe (SPC), LeSS (Practitioner), Scrum, Cynefin, Lean, Kanban, DevOps (DASA, DORA). Regular speaker at (inter)national conferences, organizer of the annual srvision conference, guest lecturer at several Dutch universities.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Fly4You - SAFe® -
Regular VisionLed Consulting More information
VisionLed is a boutique digital transformation practice focusing upon people and resource challenges. We design our services to align with your vision and measure success through benefits realised, not assignments completed.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project - DevOps (online) -
Regular Wakaru Oy More information
Wakaru ltd is a private independent company focusing on IT service management, project management, IT architecture and IT governance. The word Wakaru is Japanese and means to understand.
True to the name our mission is to help our customers better understand and manage their IT services and projects. Better understanding and management of IT will help you to align your IT with your business needs.
We are certified professionals with field proven expertise and experience in IT service management. Wakaru and our customers can also show tangible results from our work.
Our aim is to be your professional, inspiring and reliable partner in IT service management and project management. We will help you to study and understand the best practices around IT service management and project management and implement them in the most productive way.Additionally if you want to direct people from that to what we have in detail you can add.
Check our offering at
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Apollo 13 - IT Service Management Grab@Pizza™ - Business IT Alignment in Action The Challenge of Egypt - Traditional Project Management Authorized Reseller of the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps MarsLander® - Next generation IT Service Management -
Regular We-on / Prowareness Zuid-West More information
Prowareness is part of a group of companies active in the delivery of and trading in IT products and IT services in the broadest sense of the word, whereby the services are carried out at our branches in India and the Netherlands and at locations to be stated by the Client.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Weolcan B.V. More information
Weolcan is an independent cloud consultancy firm supporting its customers during their Digital Transformation. We deliver Cloud Strategy and Cloud Governance while at the same time we implement an agile way of working which together result in Business Agility.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Fly4You - SAFe® The Phoenix Project - DevOps The Phoenix Project for Business - DevOps -
Regular Wipro Limited More information
Wipro Limited is a leading global information technology, consulting and business process services company. We harness the power of cognitive computing, hyper-automation, robotics, cloud, analytics and emerging technologies to help our clients adapt to the digital world and make them successful. A company recognized globally for its comprehensive portfolio of services, strong commitment to sustainability and good corporate citizenship, we have over 160,000 dedicated employees serving clients across six continents. Together, we discover ideas and connect the dots to build a better and a bold new future.
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps Hollywood Dreams - SIAM -
Regular Xebia Nederland More information
It’s your business. We accelerate it.
We’re a group of highly ambitious craftsmen. From strategy to technology implementation, Xebia is a one-stop shop for full stack digital transformation. We provide innovative solutions and services to help your organization become a digital winner. We’re organized in specialized centers of excellence all over the world. We are like-minded individuals who aim for authority in our respective fields. Visit our website.Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations The Phoenix Project - DevOps -
Regular Zington More information
Certified to deliver the following Business Simulations Fly4You - SAFe®